An early stroll around Priory Park, Bedford


Hi there

Dave and I decided to go for a walk about Priory Park this morning for an Easter day treat. We got up just before 6am, walked to the park, and arrived at 6.15am in the morning. It was quiet and devoid of people and dogs. Just a great time of day to be out and about in the open air.

There was a slight drizzle in the air, but not wet enough to put us off going for a good walk about around the park to enjoy some additional birding. Just being outdoors so early in the morning is just the best place to be as it gives another dimension to bird watching. We knew that our chances of seeing more interesting birds was a more positive factor at this time of the day.

We arrived at the carpark (Beefeater Restaurant end). As we walked into carpark, and we could hear bird song from the nearby bushes and trees. The 'dawn song' was something else to listen to. There was a nip in the air, and it was enough to cause us to wear our woolly hats to keep warm and cosy.

A few birds flew above our head, mainly Woodpigeons flying against the grey coloured skies. They seem to get in a flap as we passed by if we got too close to them at all. Lots of coo-ing on between birds. I am sure that was a sign that nesting is on their minds. A distant 'yaffle' from a Green Woodpecker in the distance in the other side of the lake caught my attention. A few loud vocal 'caws' from a couple of Crows calling each other in the nearby trees. - they land together on the one branch of the same tree. A lot of preening was on their minds as they sat along beside one another.

The sky had now turned from a dark grey into a light grey reddish hue, and still the drips of rain came down in dribs and drabs. The view across the lakes was watery, and the skyline in the distance had developed into a strong line of colourful daylight cloudiness showing itself. Still we did not let the damp weather spoil the enjoyment of the new day.

The trees where in blossom, and it showed in lots of white areas of whiteness everywhere. Lots of blossom petals floated about gently in the breeze and landed on our clothes as was past by under the trees. Lots of white softness from the petals on the grass under our feet. Catkins had appeared on branches, and the place was full of spring activity.

We carried on walking through the park area, and along beside the line of trees. We could hear a Chiffchaff calling with the familiar Chiffchaff song which we all know. We could see the bird through our binoculars. It flitted from branch to branch. It never stayed still for a second. We stood beneath the tree and the bird seemed to sense that we where there - and stopped singing. Still the bird stayed in one place long enough for us to see him.

Lots of activity from members of the Tit family. Each bush we bypassed there was little chirring noises. We witnessed quite a few birds chasing each other about. I have never seen so many Great Tits for a while now, and there was no shortage of them at all in the area. The birds flew about and dipped, circled, chased each other around, along with very fast chittering at one another as they moved about. They rustled a couple of branches and then they flew around in another few circles.. I became dizzy trying to keep up with their antics while looking at them. Wonder if it is the bird courtship routine that is going on in front of my eyes.

A male Chaffinch perched on the end of a branch of a nearby tree, and sang his heart out. He looked in fine breeding colours a rusty red colour on his chest area. He puffed himself out as he sang although he was showing off at us watching him. He was not worried about us being so close to him and he carried on singing right above our heads. A Female Chaffinch joined up with him so I am sure it was a pair of birds sorting out their territory. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew by to one side of us. The distinguished 3 note call, and then we could hear some hammering on wood. The first Great Spotted Woodpecker activity for us for 2010, and it was a great feeling too.

A Blackcap went into full vocals in the nearby bush, and played hide and seek with us as they do. The bird moved from bush to bush and bounced around in all directions. We followed the song with our ears to track down the bird each and every time it moved. They like to be close to the top of bushes when they move about so they are easy to see. We tried to take a picture but it was too dull to be honest.

Once more we moved on, and could hear other Chiffchaff calling. Then a Willow Warbler burst into song. Another Willow Warbler answered from a short distance away. It was as though the members of the Warbler family where having a singing competition to see who could out sing who. We have seen and heard 3 Warblers during this one walkabout alone. So good to hear members of the Warbler family together once more and it brought a smile to our faces. It made us think of spring, plus a great feeling to know that the cold winter had long gone now

As we past through by the Finger Lakes, and we could see a few Great Crested Grebes looking beautiful in their fine head feathers. We got a couple of pictures but due to the light the photo colours did not look their best at all.
While we where walking along the sailing club end of the lakes we could see lots of Sand Martins flying about in all directions. They must have been feasting on the insects flying close to the water surface. Lots of flitting about with lots of twittering little calls as they flew about the watery area. At one stage two flew really close to our heads and disappeared behind the boats and back to the middle of the lake.

A few Tufted Ducks remained in a group in the middle of the lake. There was lots of calls from ducks and geese alike over the area of the lakes. A couple of Moorhen moved along the pathway in front of us, and a Coot made a noise like someone hammering in a steel tent peg. A couple of Mallards swam past, the female bird looked although she has a bit of Pochard mixed in somewhere.

We made our way to the Beefeater Restaurant. We had a cup of coffee and a sit down. Then we made our way back home. As we walked out of the park, a Pied Wagtail flew overhead in full vocals. Never have known a bird to sing and fly at the same time. Pied Wagtails know how to do it well.

Anyway this report was based on our trip out this morning, and we enjoyed ourselves a whole lot.

We will do it again no doubt now that the lighter days are coming our way

Pictures to follow....

Kathy and Dave