• This was the last  time I saw the Gulls chase the Buzzard they calmed down eventually

  • Buzzards get mobbed by gulls and crows. Similar target food/prey (plus buzzard may occassionally raid the odd crow or gull nest?).

    The best chase I've seen are dozens of crows and gulls mobbing a buzzard. The mobbed buzzard got irritated, flipped into talons to the sky mode, and the gulls and crows possibly decided that they didn't have a reply.
  • That does sound like a good chase. I saw the Buzzard being chased a lot this afternoon I was outside for a few hours and during that time the Buzzard would leave only to return again after a certain period of time  the gulls alerted me every time. Interestingly the crow was just perched on the chimney not taking any notice whatsoever that is until it finally spotted it cause it kept coming back and the chase went on for a long time. I started hearing it along with the gulls then after that. The crow atempted to see it off and then a lot later on it returned again but only cause there was now 2 Herring gulls chaseing it off rather than just one which they did successfully. The gulls are usually the first to notice whereas I don’t tend to witness the crows chaseing it as often why that is the case I don’t know though. It was a longer chase than I normally see over the garden anyway