Holiday to Spain part 2

after going to a excursion shop we went to las Christianos  beach 

to Los Chrtianos Beach 

on the way I saw lots of plants not all are native to the canarys. this one is the Queensland umbrella tree 

we went to have lunch. we didnt have my snorkel mask cause we didnt know what we were going to do until we found the beach but I had my m6 with me so I mostly looked to see if I could find any amphibians, reptiles or insects and invertebrates under any stones before putting them back down but there wasnt any. but I did see a feral pigeon. they get those here on Tenerife aswell 

then I went to the rock pools cause I didnt see much down this section of the beach when I was there I saw a grasshopper. it was stridulating a lot and it was also digging a lot

on the way back I saw a wasp pollinating a plant 

after we left the Beach I saw a sign about snorkelling with turtles so I told my support worker where it is then we went down an ally where I spotted the diving school. the diving schools in Tenerife 

dont just do diving but snorkelling aswell even I knew that my support worker still wasnt sure the man in the diving club overheard us outside the building and came to the entrance so asked. and said they do so we went in and found out information times, days, and other important information he we signed the form for Tuesday cause they had a slot. he also told us what we would need and we tryed on the swim suits and flippers and looked for the right size. he told us we go up to 10 to 20 cm so will be shallow they do underwater photography and you can borrow there waterproof camara if you dont have one but I already have one. all that stuff I already knew but it confirmed everything I found out previously before going on holiday. the next day in the morning we got there for 10 oclock we were a few minutes later but still on time. I only took  my snorkel mask cause I already had one then we went to his van. he drove us a long way but eventually we got to the beach and gave us a chance to take pictures of the beach before putting our snorkel mask and flippers on 

this was my very first time snorkelling he said you walk backwards into the water then turn around. unfortunately walking backwards into water makes me nervous cause I can't see anything but im fine walking forwards so it took time for me to walk right in and  I wasnt used to the feel of flippers and had to get used to them so took time until I was  confidant enough to swim while snorkelling so at first mostly hovered at the beginning but when I first got in he told me to look under the water cause there's fishes. this is my first time seeing fish in the sea under the water cause iv only seen them

aquariums and tanks or ponds and never in the sea.  I was confused cause we were in the shallow end but trusted him and looked underneath. I could see any at first but after going abit further I saw them.  I was amazed, curious   and exited. he said there is a coral reef. the reef isnt far  and that there are turtles and he knows where the turtles 

eventually did gradually get used to the feel of the flippers and gradually started swimming so managed to get more photos 

unfortunately I never got to swimming to where the turtles are cause it was almost the end of the lesson. he was proud of me and gave me a hi five they both said I did really well even though I didnt get to the turtles in the end. the man said next time when iv had more practice I can come back then we can swim over to the turtles. he told me there is shops that sell  flippers that arnt  far so we  

we went into the van and he brought us back to los chrtianas I asked him what the photo is of just above but he said he doesnt know. we went to the shops to get some Fippers and then we went back to the hotel. I saw more either  collared dove or Barbary pigeons 

 that evening I  saw  a swift.

the next day I was woken up by the Spanish sparrows -they get up early and call every morning just outside my apartment and everyone elses apartment room. the apartments are  lined outside mine  aswell. the apartment is on a street and it has  a tree next to the outdoor swimming pool which is one of there favourite spots that I regularly see them. I therefore heard them and git up  early most days