
(Wild) Grape Hyacinths


(Wild) Red deadnettle 

(Wild plant) but can also be planted. ( this one was planted) Spring Crocus 

  • It’s an introduced species and can be found in the alps but Bumblebees like the pollen and nectar with Red dead nettle the flowers have a platform for the Bumblees to stand on to make it easyer for them to get nector since I sprinkled wildflowers in the garden for two years I get lots of wildflowers 

    i acidently got some on the ground which means wildflowers on the ground aswell red dead nettle Daisy buttercups groundsel

    wood forget me not and Speedwells aswell as other wildflowers come up. Iv already got the grape one growing in my wildflower bordernwhich didn’t grow there last year so there will probably be some other new ones this Spring aswell