Hen Harriers

On the Today programme this morning Martin Harper stated there was only one breeding pair of Hen Harriers in the country ( I think he meant England). Can this really be the case?

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • EDM 603 seems to be the relevant one - my MP's name is not on it so will email him.  See that there are currently 108 signatures on this and about 790 on the petition - what happens now - I'm not a political animal & know 'not a lot'


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • michael s said:
    Really bad as on Mull where there is no persecution they breed.

    They seem to do well on the Isle of Man where there is no organised driven shooting.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • WB think with petitions to get a reading in Parliament a hundred thousand signatures are needed.Lots of MPs seem to conveniently say EDMs are not useful or similar words.

  • I read the article on Bowland betty and her dimise,it also pointed out that nth yorks and the grouse areas of Scotland where the two areas that suffer the most with reguards shooting,poisoning ,trapping of raptors including the golden eagle.

    Showing yet again that the killing for "sport" fraternity are mainly responsible despite them saying otherwise.


  • bonsaiman said:

    Showing yet again that the killing for "sport" fraternity are mainly responsible despite them saying otherwise.


    Don't think many people doubt this but proving it and catching those responsible is going to be very difficult.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Please also support the NWCU by taking the steps here to the WWF campaign to save the NWCU.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • As Sooty has pointed out, there have been cases of Hen Harriers being pursued and shot at their winter roost sites which may be many miles from "Grouse farming" areas. Hen Harriers are not even safe within the boundaries of nature reserves as Wardens or Site Managers cannot watch over nest sites 24/7.  

    The situation we have now reached looks suspiciously like being associated with a determined campaign to eradicate the species (as a breeder anyway) from England. If the NWCU is wound up then the dark forces can only prevail. What will be the next species to be targeted?  

  • I know some of you have already seen Martin harpers follow up blog to the tragic Bowland Betty shooting but i've linked to it again, mainly because it is an interesting read but also to highlight that we are looking at new ways to protect hen harriers. As Martin says on the blog we will share the details when we can, i'm sure you will appreciate the sensitive nature of such plans.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • It's true things are about as bad as they ever have been for hen harriers in England at the moment but as hard as times are, there are glimmers of hope. The Skydancer project is just one way that we are working to raise awareness about these beautiful birds and promote their conservation. It also encompasses on-the-ground practical monitoring and nest protection work in the Forest of Bowland, RSPB Geltsdale and Northumberland. To find out more and follow our progress, check out the Skydancer webpage at www.rspb.org.uk/skydancer or follow our blog under the "Our Work" section on these Community pages. We'd love to get your comments on it!

  • Sorry BD but sadly there is no progress that you speak of.There are no nesting H H,perhaps the RSPB has spent too much time worrying about other countries birds such as Vultures and many other species while our own English nesting H H have become extinct.