Butterfly Conservation trust asks for a ban on a toxic pesticide that affects pollinators and other Wildlife

  • While pesticides are harmful to Wildlife and should only be used as a last resort there are some that are particularly potent or toxic they have been proven to have even more negative affects on Wildlife populations one very dangerous one in particular is Neonictonicide a well known pesticide for its negative impacts on Wildlife.  

    The pesticide is  one of the very dangerous pesticides that has been known to harm pollinators with long  lasting and very negative impacts and cause  declines in pollinators like Butterflys and bees for example and has in the past. It is being used on sugar beet crops again so They have done a petition and are trying to get as many people as possible to sign While they still have a chance to turn the decision around 

  • Cause pollinators like bees butterflys, moths,  insects, beetles and bugs and  others  have severely declined  the butterfly conservation trust have decided it’s time for an outright ban without any exceptions 

  • If the UK has not voted to leave the EU, the situation would have been different over insecticide. But that said! I would say no to a complete ban! I’ve had pest control called out on numerous occasions and would do so again. As my garden has been overrun by Rats. And I don’t mean just a few. So I would call them out again if necessary and they do use insecticide. But they do use it so other wildlife is unaffected. I know some don’t agree and say there are other ways such as live traps. But as I’ve explained live traps don’t help in any way, as I’ve explained why before. So I would say no to a complete 100% ban. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t get over-sentimental about wildlife  conservation. I take a pragmatic approach. As all or most Wildlife conservation organisations have had to take difficult decisions at times that are often unpopular. But sadly have had to be taken of which I do agree with!



  • I don’t get over sentimental either. Its good you don’t get over sentimental but not everyone in the community gets over sentimental

    Its not that people just don’t agree there’s alot of evidence stacked up against other wildlife cant inadvertently get poisoned by pesticide use Exspeacially insecticides. Pesticides have been proven over and over again to harm Wildlife other than just the intended target regardless of weather its intended or not. No matter what anyones point of view on pesticides are. Im not going to say I agree or that I disagree if what you said was backed up by facts then I would advice it but cause it isnt I wouldnt. Im not saying your right or wrong. cause it’s just your point of view only that for me I like to make sure a method is proven not to poison anything other than the intended target. however. for what you say about rats there’s probably other ways of going about it than just useing traps if I find any ways Il let you know but I don’t get rat problems. If I did I would want to research lots of different solutions. If I find traps ineffective I might try something else but make sure iv tryed all the wildlife friendly ways to go about it first. if I did get rat problems I would try as much wildlife friendly ways as possible first

    That aside the post is about Neonicotinoids an insecticide not pesticides for rats so I don’t know how the insecticides came into it. But back to the post at hand the reason for the complete ban is cause it keeps being banned and lifted in spit of the evidence of the harm it causes to Insect populations and bees in particular and in spite of the fact more than half our insects are in decline
  • That and rats aside the post is mainly about pollinators like bees and butterflys so back to the topic at hand regardless of weather we think there should be a complete ban or not I thought the news will be interesting. For me I think they should start with a partial ban suddenly asking for a complete ban might not be taken as well as going for a partial ban at least at first. Asking for a complete ban with no exceptions out of nowhere might not  be the best way to go about things necessarily 

  • I can’t agree with that as often pest control use really strong insecticide’s(Pollinators as they are called) and for that reason) pest control at times have to use! I’m afraid at times there is no other way, even if those want them banned. As far as pest control goes, often there is no other option. Farmers as well have to use for the same reason. Just banning anything is not always the answer. So for pest control reasons, only a partial ban I would support. Not a complete ban(that means not a 100% ban)! And again I don’t get over-sentimental about wildlife conservation! I always take a pragmatic approach as mentioned time after time. Difficult decisions have regularly been made and some very unpopular decisions have to be made from most wildlife conservation organisations  at times of which I mostly agree with all those decisions!



  • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../
    The pest control and pollinator protection dilemma. The case of thiamethoxam phophyactic applications in squash  crops -PMC Link above! Long  article! With lots of link included!



  • An (insect) pesticide isn't just a pesticide. It's an insecticide.

    Stuff marketed as controls of insect 'pests' are not specific to the 'pests'. The active chemicals are disruptors of insect metalobilisms.

    Some herbicides get mixed with chemicals which act as disruptors of insect metabolisms.

    A rodenticide doesn't kill a rodent stone dead where and when it consumes the poison. Neither does it have the capability of its lethality being restricted to rodents. The poisoned animal will possibly die elsewhere. Where it becomes carrion for carrion eaters (corvids, buzzard, kite, eagle).

    Just my tuppence worth.
  •  QI could T this link yesterday. So I’ve a photo of the link I tried to post. Updated Early March 2022. Very long read. But changes in the laws since  March 2022. I was going on late last night into the early hour. If you can read this. But you will. Have to fine link as I’m unable to send successfully for you to read. I will out all day tomorrow and you reply I will do you late on tomorrow as I will be out all day.



  • Indian house crow is still on the list?

    The image you posted suggests an update early March 2022.

    General licenses? Some people don't take the proverbial urine. Others do.