The state of the UK's birds 2012

The latest state of the UK's birds is now available online here. This publication reviews the trends in our wild bird populations and also in this edition some updated population estimates. Also featured are articles about the importance of 'citizen science', current surveys and birds in UK overseas territories.

You can also read our press release that accompanied the document here.


Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • It really does underline the massive problems that our long-distance migrants, woodland specialists and farmland birds are facing. But on the positive side it does show that some species can recover given the opportunity, buzzard and tree sparrow being good examples, as conservationists we've got a lot of work to do!!!

    One of the points I noticed was the decline in mistle thrushes but the increase in song thrushes looking at the short term trends. I wonder if this and other changes will be reflected in the BGBW this coming January?

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Ian H said:
    One of the points I noticed was the decline in mistle thrushes but the increase in song thrushes looking at the short term trends.

    Large numbers of Mistle Thrush in the Northwest at the moment. Winter migrants from the continent presumably.

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