Signs of autumn?

According to the Natures Calendar phenology observations, the signs of autumn are well behind this year! Theres are an article here about it and you can see for yourself on the Natures Calendar website.

Out and about it is clear that some shrubs have done well again, the hawthorns around here are brimming and pretty ripe, the rowan trees look like they have a good crop but it's not looking as good for apples. Very little sign of leaf tint on most trees so far. Whats it like where you are, will our wintering birds have a banquet or a tough year?

It's worth remembering that whilst the trees are still in leaf and the natural larder is stocked up, you might be seeing less garden bird activity!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Autumn as a season officially starts Saturday with the Equinox. But of course Nature takes no notice of these dates! Not been many very cold nights here just yet. Had many heavy dews but no frosts. There is a bit of colour showing in places, mainly Prunus species and Horse chestnuts too. Sloes are nice and ripe as are the hawthorns and rowans which are glowing red now! Acorns are a good size as well. Not noticed any wild apples anywhere yet so looks like the wildlife will have to make do with berries, seeds and nuts this year!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Very few blackberries here and I checked out the damson trees locally a few weeks ago and whereas I usually have a good picking, this year nothing at all, no sign of them.

    Lot to learn

  • Not even a lot of hawthorn berries showing on my local patch,looks like a hungry winter for thrushes.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can