Hen harriers - we need your sightings

Things are looking very bleak for hen harriers in England again this year, early signs are that only one nest is currently known to be active and in Bowland, historically a stronghold for them, there are currently no pairs nesting. The hen harrier hotline has been launched once again so if you are lucky enough to spot a hen harrier in England please either call 0845 4600121 (calls charged at local rate) or email henharriers@rspb.org.uk and help us protect this fragile species.

Read more about this on our website here and on Martin Harpers blog. You may also wish to sign the petition aiming to give more powers to protect these magnificent raptors from the ongoing problem of illegal persecution.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • This is very disturbing news.

    I have already signed the petition.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Guess the RSPB is fed up with me trying to persuade them to have a serious campaign for this petition to get 100,000 signatures it probably needed something like a flyer in the last magazine.For once think the RSPB is in fact letting BOP down.They must know by now that number will not be reached without their serious help.

    For all practical purposes this bird is extinct in England as a breeding bird and any bird coming in is signing its death warrant.

    The RSPB is putting massive efforts into saving other birds that in fact are not in as much danger as Englands Hen Harriers which I do not understand at all.

  • Sooty,  Hang on in there.  I suspect the existence of these Epetitions has very rapidly become a bit of old news.  The previous Govt introduced them and the current Govt got rid of them and then reintroduced them but the number of them is considerable with few people actually filling them in.   I am sure there are other ways of getting this legislation and I do not doubt that the Law Commission will be under presure from the RSPB and many other groups.

  • Bob,   Think that is logical and explains a lot I would think.Who would think that we could see in this so called enlightened age the deliberate extinction of such a thrilling bird to see in a country capable of supporting so many.

    Past and present politicians have lots to answer for.

  • Regretably I think that the Hen Harrier is stuffed as an upland breeding species in England. It doesn't really have a chance in the Grouse Farms and it seems abundantly clear that this Government isn't bothered in the slightest. It's infuriating that criminal activity has triumphed but, without properly resourced surveillance and determined enforcement, it was always likely to be the outcome.

    Perhaps the answer is reintroduction from continental stock without a genetic predeliction to head for the moors to breed. In France Hen Harriers are relatively common birds of lowland agricultural land.

    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?

  • We had one reported a couple of weeks ago in our dales area and I passed it onto the Harrier Hotline but even so I doubt it survived on the estate where it was sighted.Like John B I do not hold much hope for this magnificent bird our recording area has the unenviable reputation of being a raptor black hole.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can