Survey reveals real threat of a second extinction for Englands hen harriers

The results of the 2011 joint (RSPB/Natural England) study of hen harriers in England have been announced with very worrying results. This year only 4 pairs managed to raise young successfully in a country that could support over 300 making it a real danger that this red listed bird of prey could be lost from England as a breeding species for the second time as a result of persecution from humans. You can read our press release here and our Director of Conservations blog here.

So what does the future hold, well possible directions it could head towards are diversionary feeding as has been demonstrated to be effective on Langholm Moor, see the website here. Alternatively the addition of more legal deterrents such as adding vicarious liability to English legislation, as is the case in Scotland, is something that we feel would stengthen wildlife protection laws. It is something that you can help call for by adding your name to the e-petition here.

What do you think about this?

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Living on the edge of and doing most of my birding in an area that should support several breeding pairs of these beautiful birds all I can feel is disgust and shame at being connected to an area where it just seems to be a no go area for any raptor.Not sure where we go from here with this problem,here in Yorkshire it such a big and remote area and the policing is so difficult as to be almost impossible.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • A very disappointing report even though the results don't really come as much of a surprise.  It is very difficult to see much hope for England's hen harriers unless something drastic happens to reverse the trend, though how I don't know I don't think diversionary feeding would really stop those who seem hell bent on wiping the hen harrier from England.  Though with the MOD's cuts, perhaps a few ex-soldiers could be recruited to protect the harriers!  From one harrier to another...

  • I think you are right there KatTai,whatever proposed solutions  we have who will police them?.The people commiting the crimes are on home ground and understand there own plot so any chance of catching them in the act is very slim.It will be no use discovering the culprits after the last Hen Harrier has been shot or poisoned a court case will not bring them back.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can