Tristan Albatross - mission to save it

Just been reading this article via BBC news website about the plight of the  Tristan Albatross       Let's hope there is enough money to save this species and the long battle to eradicate the mouse problem.


Regards, Hazel 

  • It's a horrible situation. However, I think the RSPB and its partners are alreading on the case to try to eradicate this mouse on Gough Island as well as to protect other native species of flora and fauna.

    I remember reading several blogs on the Saving Special Places theme. Here's one of them which relates specifically to the Albatross



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • thanks so much for the link Tony,  I missed that one on here so I'll go have a read of it now, cheers.  

    post edit;  great article Tony and love the "Million Dollar Mouse Project" tag    lol     Such a difficult area to access and hence the huge cost to ensure these birds survive;   not sure my £20 will even pay for 5  seconds of aircraft fuel lol   but I couldn't do nothing after reading about this beautiful bird .


    Regards, Hazel