Concerned about how climate change will affect birds and other wild-life?

Feeling a little daunted by the latest IPCC report? Not sure what changing weather will mean for birds, wildlife and people? Want to respond but not sure how? Join Campaign against Climate Change and Power Shift UK at UCL in May for a weekend of talks, strategy-building workshops and an opportunity to link up with groups and communities in a growing movement across the UK (and the world!) Speakers confirmed from Friends of The Earth, Occupy London, Push Europe and many more. 3-4 May : University College London Power Shift UK: Breaking Down the Barriers and Diversifying the Climate Movement FREE to attend: Register here : Closing date 27 April Last week's report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) alerted the world to the fact that 'nobody is going to be untouched by climate change', making a resounding call for action across all sectors of society. Already we know that people in nearly every country on the planet are mobilizing their communities for just solutions to the climate crisis, and we’re building on this momentum further with our first Power Shift UK event. As part of Global Power Shift, Campaign Against Climate Change and Power Shift UK are working together to bring people across the UK for a weekend of talks, discussions and strategy-building workshops, to share stories and ideas for campaigns and actions, and to challenge some of our assumptions about diversifying the movement. Who is this event for? The event is about opening up the movement and is for people from all walks of society who want to contribute to action on climate change. In addition to inspiring talks from a range of speakers of both national and grassroots organisations, a large part of the event will be scheduled free for Open Space sessions – opportunities for participants to deliver and facilitate their own workshops, to host talks, creative activities and planning sessions. We welcome your input for sessions you’d like to host - please share with us your ideas on the registration form. The aim is to empower participants to return home to their local communities feeling more confident in implementing some of the learning, strategies and actions which have emerged. This will include broadening outreach to include diverse groups in their community, along with linking in with those who are currently unconnected to the climate movement. In addition the event will also be an opportunity to highlight current climate change activities and campaigns across the UK and connect in with other organisations who are working alongside us. Who and what is Global Power Shift Global Power Shift was launched by in June 2013 with an international summit in Istanbul attended by 600 people from around the world. The week-long summit was the chance for people to refine skills, create personal bonds and community, share a global vision for change, and strategize how to organize different actions and similar summits back home. Now, in country after country events have begun kicking off across the world and we're welcoming your involvement at our first UK event. Speakers confirmed so far include: Asad Rehman - Friends of the Earth/Push Europe - speaking on international mobilisation for climate issues George Barda - Occupy London/Reclaim the Power - sharing stories about challenges around diversification Claire Balland - Fuel Poverty Action - community organising and climate justice - affordable energy for all Siobhan Grimes - Christian Aid and Quaker Action - sharing experiences of divestment campaigns with the Church of England Chris Church - Low Carbon Communities Network - working with communities on the ground and facing the obstacles when campaigning Ian 'KMT' Solomon - May Project Gardens - outreach and permaculture edge Chris Johnstone - Author of Active Hope Afsheen Rashid - Repowering London (Community energy specialist) - community engagement and working with diverse communities In addition Suzanne Dhaliwal (UK Tar Sands Network) and Liam Barrington Bush (solidarity activist/ journalist/facilitator in social change) will also be hosting a closed 4 hour group workshop for 12 participants focussing on ‘Re-centering Our Movement’ – an exploration of our relationship with campaigning and power. More details of the workshop can be found here. Need help with travel and accommodation costs? Our aim is to make Power Shift UK as accessible as possible. If you need help getting to/staying in London for the event then please indicate on the registration form, and we’ll be in touch. To see a more detailed programme visit our website Register here: Connect with us to keep up on news at Facebook and Twitter Or if you have any further questions get in touch at Please share the event far and wide through your networks, and thanks for being a part of the Global Power Shift movement – look forward to hopefully seeing you soon! Emily, Lindsay, Fiona and the rest of the Power Shift UK/Campaign Against Climate Change team