The slaughter of migrating birds.

Someone lent me a copy of the National Geographic, July edition so that I could read an article on the solar system but what caught my eye more was the article entitled "Last Song". It is a sickening description of the problem our migratory birds face when trying to cross (mainly) the Mediterranean area.

I feel quite despairing. When we are trying so hard to care for our birds, how can we let these people continue to kill them in such appallingly cruel ways. Ok It is supposed to be illegal but how can we get governments to enforce their laws?

There is an 'online' version of this article at 

WARNING - this is NOT for those with a delicate or sensitive turn of mind. I am quite tough but I found this awful.


God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!

  • Hi Jenni, that's horrendous. I was stuck at the video at the top of the page. I agree with you - if there is any way possible that this can be reduced and eventually stopped, we should take the steps now.  

    Thanks for sharing and voicing your good opinion. Take care

  • Too sad for words!!


  • This problem is one that the RSPB and Birdlife International have been working on for many years.The hunters in the countries  involved seem seem to think they are above European law.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I have "talked" to Birdlife Malta in the past and they asked me to write to my own Member of the European Parliament as well as the members for Malta. I did this and also found the members who claimed a special interest in wildlife. Not much came of it but perhaps if we all tried again we could get the problem higher up the EU Agenda.

    I am going to be away for the next week so can't do much at the moment but maybe when I get back I could look up the names etc. again.


    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!

  • Hi Jenni.

    I posted the same article under the title "Killing Birds" in July. It upset me a lot as I cannot ever understand why any one can get pleasure out of murdering any form of wildlife.I hope the RSPB puts more and more pressure on the governments of Malt, Spain, France, Portugal and the North African countries.

    Maybe a letter to Michael Portillo who`s family, I understand, come from Portugal. If you get any names please let us know on the forum. Perhaps we can all bombard these governments by email.


    Old man

  • The only positive thing I can come up with, is, to hit the government where it hurts the most, there pockets.

    All these country's rely heavily on tourism, so vote with your feet and refuse to visit these country's that allow these barbaric acts to go on unpunished!!
