Was it a female chaffinch or a female house sparrow?

Hello, (I don’t have any photo evidence as it was only here for a split second) 

This morning a certain bird flew into my garden but flew off shortly after so I didn’t really get to identify it or take a photo. It was either a female chaffinch (I’ve never seen one in person before) or a female house sparrow. Normally, I’m pretty good at identifying birds but this has really confused me. I will explain exactly what happened so if there are any certain behavioural aspects of these birds that stick out please let me know. It was around 10:00 when it flew into one of my bushes to have a look around but left around a split second later, it arrived with a flock of starlings. It was house sparrow sized (if not slightly larger) but was beige underneath with light brown streaky wings, beige plain head with a light brown triangular beak (not a tree sparrow or a dunnock). I know this may sound like a female chaffinch, but I’ve never got them in my garden before and the house sparrows that normally come arrive with the starlings. Considering this, there was only one of them, not in a flock like normal sparrows. If anyone has any advice or information, I would love to know.
Thanks, Ellis  

  • I had a similar experience. Not 100% sure what it was!

    There was a group of what I thought were 5 sparrows, 2 females and 3 males. Then I realised that one of the females had a white streak on top of their wing, so I thought perhaps it was actually a chaffinch instead...

    If it had a noticeable white streak, would this confirm it as a chaffinch? Would a female chaffinch be likely to associate with both female and male sparrows? They were all quite happy in close proximity of each other.
  • Perfect that should finalise my bird watch numbers. Thanks for the information Robbo!

    Sparrows x 5
    Robin x 3
    Blue Tit x 2
    Blackbird x 1
    Coal Tit x 2
    Great Tit x 2