Identify this bird in Japan

Hello. I’m on holiday in Japan and I keep hearing this amazing sound. Can anyone help me identify it. I have attached the visual of the sound. One low long note followed by four quick high chirps. Audio note in quite long but the song is there in the middle. Thank you! 

  • Rebecca285 said:
    Hello. I’m on holiday in Japan

    Lucky you, Rebecca. I've never been to Japan and don't know their birds. Out of curiousity I Googled "common birds of Japan" and one that caught my eye was the Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone).

    I listened to some of its song/calls on xeno-canto ....... it has a lot of variations ...... but there were some that sounded similar to your recording. Here's an example.

    Peter Boesman, XC285694. Accessible at

    Probably way off the mark but the best I can do. I don't know if anyone on this Forum has been to Japan and can give a better possible ID.

    Enjoy your holiday



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  • Thanks for the feedback. Just a lucky guess on my part, Grinning



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