Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Trouble with that idea H is that I'd fall in love with the baby voles & wouldn't want the K's to eat them & then the K's babies would starve &I'd still be sad - so think I'll distance myself from food sources as much as possible - hoping for NIL garden bird strikes this year!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Just don't start naming the voles and only look at that rat like tail and not the cute faces, then you'll be ok   LOL,       Do you know if Kestrels like squirrel meat ?    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I expect if they were pushed they would find Cyrils palatable ROFL !!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • After being quiet for a couple of days, only hearing lots of calling over the back of trees but out of sight, Mr K flew to telegraph pole very noisily calling just as getting dark!  As I was preparing to take pic Mrs K suddenly appeared, probably from nest, & took food from him.  He flew off & I just managed a pic in poor visibility...

    Now where on earth did that white Rat come from?  Has someone lost a pet?

    Then there was a terrible rainstorm & I could see Mrs K huddled down trying to keep her supper dry - after a few minutes she flew into the nest!!

    So it seems that she is probably sitting on eggs & there will be scant activity between now & when the chicks fledge - just to remind you, here is the pic I took last year on 5th July, the first one with my new cam...

    Shall have to keep watching Arne live webcam so that I can visualise what may be happening in my nest!!

    Contemplating setting up CCTV mounted on my double doors (can I afford it?? when did that ever stop me!!)




     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyB thanks for the pics and especially thanks for last julys pics too :-) lovely and you make me giggle about setting up the CCTV comment!

  • Just as I was giving up hope of seeing any action today, at six pm (Thurs 16th) I spotted Mr K sitting on a rung of the telegraph pole & he appeared to be yawning (had a busy day?)....

     Grainy pics through the door!

     Then realised he had something stuck in his throat...

    Then at 7.30 ish saw Mrs K on top of pole in worsening light...

    She looks to have a very full crop!!

    Will be posting more later as they have both been here already today & have some fabulous action shots - WTS!!!




     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • They are looking so good Wendy, she evidently has a full belly!! look forward to your next video.  PS  You call that bad light and look at the eyes on her, clear as anything!!

    Lot to learn

  • Well, yesterday started with a bang (quite literally) with Mrs K parked up on cliff & bleating madly...

    and then I caught them IFD...


    He then flew to the telegraph pole looking quite pleased with himself...

    While she snuggled into cliff looking relieved...

    A bit later Mrs K parked herself in the nest...

    Whilst he sat on a rung of the pole keeping watch & looking handsome...

    I just hope that Mrs K was motivated into producing at least one egg!!

    Here are a couple of vids of  after 'The Deed' ...

    Their activity wasn't over for the day yet - Mr K brought her another tasty meal...

    Which she couldn't finish...

    After another short spell in the nest, Mrs K flew to the cliff & parked herself there until dark (so she's not incubating yet!!) & I recorded a long vid of her & later Mr K who brought his tea with him - I have cut this into three shorter, more interesting sections (not the whole 12 & a half mins lol!)...

    It was an extremely busy day but now you are up-to-date with events & have more insight into their lives...............but there is more to come as they are around today again!!!!! 










     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wow, I admire his technique, no wonder he's looking pleased with himself. I should think you are assured of little Kessers after that performance.

    Brilliant photos and fascinating videos, Wendy. Interesting to see in the last one, where they are together, how much bigger she is than him.

    Thanks for sharing, keep 'em coming.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Stunning clips Wendy,  those Kestrels are just so entertaining,  I could watch them all day :)

    post edit:   I think I answered this before the X-rated photos got put up   LOL  !!!           Well  I see they are making progress   !!!


    Regards, Hazel