Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • What a morning, can't take all this excitement    ha ha  !     Just brilliant Wendy,   beautiful photo and video update and it's wonderful to see the pair getting their act together, as Alan says,  with the nest so I'm waiting for the news eventually that I am an Aunty    ROFL  !!!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thought they were never going to return - but checking out the nest again today (& each other but only from a distance)...

    She seemed to be looking at him while he was perched on top of telegraph pole..

    And he definitely was looking at her (aah, love's young dream!!) - then she flew off & he perched on cliff face...

    He stayed on his cliff perch for about an hour & in that time she came back to the nest briefly & then flew away again.  No vid of himself unfortunately as focus was so bad but got a couple of her....

    Am fairly certain that she has not taken up residence in nest yet - see what tomorrow brings!!!!











     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It's so nice to see those Kestrels  Wendy and things are looking promising !     BTW, I like the flower arranging that Mrs. Kestrel has done,  she's got a good eye for home decoration  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • That's her Easter bonnet H!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • She's got taste   LOL     very pretty :)


    Regards, Hazel 

  • She's looking very comfortable in her little mini cave. It must be odds on that they will nest there.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • That background noise is from my radio & washing machine L - I was filming from indoors so as not to spook them!! However, the nest is under the landing path for the airport across the road & they are not one bit perturbed by heavy cargo planes flying in just above their heads - amazing!!

    Edit:  I have been leaving the sound on so that I can record their chattering but I do have to be careful that I don't say anything naughty - like I did last year when the cam was new & wouldn't co-operate!!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I do hope so TJ - this is my seventh year here with four fledged each time & I was told that they had used this site for at least five years before I came!!  Am on watch daily now & have moved a comfy chair in front of my double doors (not that I sit in it much, too busy running between kitchen & lounge!!)  Be glad when it's warm enough to sit outside, have a spot beside the rose arch where I can observe both Kestrels & garden birds!!!  I will be the one sitting in the hide!

    Edit:  The neighbours will probably think I'm spying on them - they already have me earmarked as odd LOL !


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy, I'm really sorry, I'm aware I seem a bit rude and out-of-place just catching up on your thread now - computer threw a tantrum last night! Your photos and videos are top notch, stunning quality! The kestrels are just gorgeous, can't wait to hear more! Will be watching this thread religiously now I know it's here! :-) Hope I didn't seem too rude commenting this late, apologies again

  • Don't have to apologise LW - early days yet - still waiting to see if Mrs K will move into nest & lay eggs but, as you will see from this update, things look good!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr