Norfolk holiday Pt 1, Day 1; Friday, arrival day

Arrival day, a quick late breakie in the cafe on the pier, before getting some supplies in and getting into the cottage, well, a former WWII lookout post, and a fabulous place it is too. A large almost wrap-around garden with plenty of wild flowers, a haven for insects, the staple food for many birds.

Good clear views across the North Sea, and clear views for sunrises and sunsets, weather permitting.

After a good drive eastward from home, it was time for a refuel,

Followed by a wander around Cromer to kill time before we access the holiday property. With East Anglia (as was most of the eastern counties of Britain) being very involved during WWII, St Peter's Church, Cromer had a fabulous willow War Horse on display.

Our first day in the holiday let and almost immediately into to the young of 2024, a not fully fledged blackbird chick, which we kept our distance from, and the parents were busy feeding it. This photo was heavily cropped, and hopefully, after two days of intensive care and feeding from the parents, we hope it finally managed to fledge fully.

The first day ended with a very pleasant sunset over the North Sea.

For those wondering, though we didn't see the peregrines till later in the week, I did manage to get some decent photos which will be shared in a later report.