In my garden.....

So instead of starting a new discussion everytime I get new visitors or decent shots of wildlife in the garden I shall just keep adding to this one.

So today it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 of them chasing each other around the trees

Just managed to catch the 2 of them together

Then it was Woodpecker v Starlings....yes I see yous up there

Move out of my way as am coming up...

I said moooooove...

you were warned...

ah...peace to eat at last..

I Dont mind sharing with the dunnock though, just those pesky starlings I dont like lol

Dunnock, robin and thrush happily hopping about together

Gorgeousredwing still around

Flying without wings.....

I just like the different colours of the trees and sky not all grey for a change!

Mr & Mrs RRB (bad pic but it difficult to get them together)

and up last its a wee lollipop

Think that will do for today as I have probably bored you all long enough lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • As it happened I had a traumatic evening!! At about 11.00p.m. I was putting off the lights having locked up ready to depart for bed, something caught my eye up on the dining room ceiling, oooh I swear I did swear!! You're huge I said, and not staying there. Garden spider of course, thinking inside was warmer than out. Can't blame him it was!! My usual cup and paper wasn't going to be any good - too small- honestly I kid you not, I haven't seen such a big spider before. I quickly found a plastic icecream container, and thanked my lucky stars that I hadn't had a second glass of wine!! I climbed on a stool and scooped it into the box, took it outside and let it go under the shrubbery, just made it back indoors as the front door was closing.......nearly locked out, that would have made it the perfect night!!!!
    No, no photo, it would have really put me off from removing it if I had got a close up!!!!!! So that's my three - anybody else suffering...... ???
    Sorry to take over your thread Linda, but it does follow on from "garden".

    Lot to learn

  • How awful but very brave of you Gaynor, thank goodness you didn't get locked out!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • OMG much for a relaxing glass or 2!!! Them pesky Garden spiders!!! Well done on getting it back outside , but almost getting locked out at that time of night!!! that would have been more terrifying ...I think I would have needed a Brandy after all that drama!! We have rather a few garden spiders that live in the log cabin and seem to cover the white , blackout blinds in their very thick webs...Obviously nice and warm for them out there...not that I go in it much as they scare the life out of me so I take my hat off to you for being able to deal with your late night unwelcome visitor and hope you have recovered from all that undue stress!!!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Its been pretty wild weather here past couple of days...wind was so bad I was expecting my bamboo to snap in half! So birdies have been a bit scarce. I had some left over chicken from dinner last night so I thought I would set up the trail cam and see if the garden was still being used at night.  I got out the old bird table and put some safflower seeds and chicken on and around it and put it in the corner of the garden..out of sight! So got up this morning, kettle on and out and got the SD card and all the food was gone......

    Fox or a cat probably...but no!

    First visitor last night was....Badgie

    Followed by ....wee mousie

    And finally foxy turns up to harldy nothing!! OMG bet it was raging lol

    And lots more of badgie as he returned 3 times

    and the Cyril showed up this morning

    Glad to see all the visitors still come as we all sleep...hope you enjoyed the night cam for a wee change.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • wow Linda, lucky you set the trail cam; badger and fox, plus the "moose" and the cheeky squirrel .............. now all you need is a pole cat LOL


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It just shows what is lurking out there when we are all asleep! Lovely to get those visitors and a Badger. Not a lot left for poor Squirrel. Well done Linda.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks Hazel...could be doing with one of Wendy's Hoggies aswell but that's just pure greed lol. I have actually seen a pole cat many years ago when I was camera in those days lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Catlady, just glad to see the garden is still very much alive at night as it is most days...yeah poor Cyril! lol..He will be back later no doubt!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    could be doing with one of Wendy's Hoggies aswell

    I'd gladly share Linda but mine have gone awol ... boohoo!

    A real wildlife paradise you have up there, shame about the excessive rainfall!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh no Wendy!!!! Maybe they just went on a wee vacation....fingers crossed they come back soon......Its dry today and the sun is there some where lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)