My second hawfinch of the winter!

Limpy and I had already been lucky enough to see the beautiful hawfinch at The Lodge on two separate occasions - when we heard there were hawfinches in a cemetery in Wrentham we drove out on a very cold Sunday just over a week ago to see if we could see them.

The answer turned out to be an emphatic yes!

The size of that beak is very impressive.

I always like seeing blue tits.

I could hardly believe my eyes when this red kite flew over!  Wow, what a bird.

The robins were clearly in the mood to make the most of the crowd of birders in the cemetery.

It seemed that a robin appeared everywhere it could look its most photogenic.

I didn't mind - they are beautiful little birds.

A final robin before I headed back to the warmth of the car!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.