Your best three photos for the month of November 2017

It's that time again for your best three photos. Looking forwards to seeing them.

The October thread is Here. for 2017

Here are my three.



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  • For me, this month has been all about Bitterns,


    and the seemingly banal - even birds such as this Mostly-Mallard are worth turning the camera on, it's not all about the rarities


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  • What a great start Jim and WJ;       although I took many photos last month, especially with two visits to Leighton Moss, I think a lot of my pics are almost repeats of what I have already posted so will choose something a bit different for two of my selections and the first one a pic of Nutty in beautiful morning light.

    Leighton Moss Nuthatch

    my 2nd choice shows the beauty of Autumn - taken in our garden 

    and last but not least, the third photo shows the fortune of having good friends;  the person on the left represents not just our Jim but all the friends I've met on here and those of you we have also met in person !    On the right is the person dearest to my heart, in fact the very beat of it - call it cheesy but its true -  my Mikey :) 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unknown said:
    last but not least, the third photo shows the fortune of having good friends;  the person on the left represents not just our Jim but all the friends I've met on here and those of you we have also met in person !    On the right is the person dearest to my heart, in fact the very beat of it - call it cheesy but its true -  my Mikey :) 

    Wow, Hazel, you had me welling up  So nice to hear of someone who has found their soulmate. Having met both you and Mike I can confirm that you are two of the nicest and most hospitable people one could hope to meet. Anyone got a tissue?

    Lovely photos everyone. I have had nothing from my local patch worth posting so my three all come from a trip to Slimbridge while I was visiting relatives in Gloucestershire.

    A male Pintail. 

    A newly arrived wild Bewick's Swan. They were late this year.

    I don't usually photograph captive creatures but these three North American Otters were just so endearing that I couldn't resist.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Such a beautiful selection Tony, the Pintail drake is such a stunning looking duck;    Slimbridge is indeed a fantastic place for wildlife.   The Bewick swans are a lovely species, I must go back to Martin Mere at some stage and see what's around.

    Unknown said:
    two of the nicest and most hospitable people one could hope to meet

      now I need a tissue  LOL     that's extremely kind of you Tony, same goes for you too, can't believe a year has gone by so quickly !  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Very nice WJ love the Bittern picture.



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  • Very nice Hazel, that Mikes not a bad lad you have to like him or love him like you do.



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  • Very nice love your Otter picture Tony, and now I too need to find a tissue your all getting to sentimental lol



    My Pictures

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  • My three favourites are not birds for this month as I spent very little time birding. But I did spend a few days out and about looking for fungi, two of the three pictures I have already posted else where on the forum but it's the only thing I have offer for the month.

    First one in no particular order is a shot of Chopwell Woods, one of the locations which we searched.

    These following two are one of my favourite macro fungi pictures from the day outs:

    I really liked the subtle pattern on this mushroom:

    The light was very poor for this next one, but I like it because at the base of the mushroom you can notice what appears to be the roots of the mushroom, which I didn't notice until I got back: