J is for Jail-bird !

Took my cuppa & newspaper out into the garden to sit and watch the birds for a while whilst I browsed the runners for the Grand National tomorrow   lol  

Alarm calls began to sound from all the smaller birds when out of the blue a pastry thief suddenly appeared !       it just so  happened ( ha ha !! )  that I had the camera with me too :)     The Jay was only 3 metres away -  I had the 300mm prime on the 5D again so able to crop well without losing detail too much.  

STOP Thief !!!


Regards, Hazel 

  • You did a whole lot better than me, with those lovely shots. I saw a pair this afternoon too but never even got half-way close to a decent photo!

    PS Good luck picking the winner!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Fab photos Hazy - I love the third one - he really is intent on getting quite a beakful!  And of course, you have learnt never to go anywhere without your camera - saves a lot of frustration when photo opportunities like this come along.

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Great photos Hazy, what lovely birds they are with their facial markings and blue flash.   I also saw one whilst out walking today, high up in a tree it saw me first and screeched and flew just ahead to another tree, where it stayed and watched me disappear into another field.   Must be nesting up high, no chance for me to get a photo though, so great to see yours so close up.

    Lot to learn

  • I haven't seen much of the Jays in my garden this year. They are such stunning birds and I love their eyes. Your photos are great as usual. My word what a mouthful of pastry he's trying to take in the third photo.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • thank all,  they were back again today;  I've seen three today although one was chased off by one of the pair.    They do have a penchant for pastry so I better go make some more !

    High up in the tree and mimicking the buzzard all the time,  he was mewing in this photo so I'll have to try capture the sound on video for you at some stage   ........    the Jays have an amazing repertoire of bizarre sounds  !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Beautiful pics again Hazy, the sunshine is really showing them up a treat, and what a lovely day it has been today, even sat out relaxing and soaking up a little myself.

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks Gaynor, doesn't the sunshine make all the difference, a real pleasure to be outside grabbing a little Vitamin D   lol


    Regards, Hazel