Red Kite

Just had a red kite flying over my garden,I live in the middle of Suffolk and can honestly say I have never seen red kites in Suffolk before. Anyone know of other sightings?
  • Unknown said:
    And this atrocity is a 'hobby' - with which wild birds of prey interfere with....

    Not a hobby in many cases Marina it is big business and therefore big money involved,quite hard to fight that on even terms. The RSPB and local police wildlife crime officers try their hardest to get convictions but hard to prove when a crime takes place miles from habitation and the criminal knows his patch better than anyone. 


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Ιt is big business because some people think it's an achievement to kill, eg this. The dentist who shot Cecil paid $50000 for the 'privilege' and boasts of other big five kills. 

    My Gallery

    "Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." John Muir

  • Marina. I see that the petition quickly exceeded 45k signatures yesterday so thanks for your support. Recommended reading is and

    Unfortunately driven grouse shooting is a popular pastime among our nation's leaders and their financial supporters so we're probably stuck with it. Weight of public pressure may, however, force it to become more compliant with EU and UK law.

    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?

  • Thanks for the references John. I bookmarked the birdersagainst site as it may come handy at some stage. Had to smile at some of the advice as I was reading through - eg it's a crime to throw stones to a nesting bird listed in Schedule A. Who in their right mind would do that - particularly if they were a wildlife photographer? (I have to say, I didn't quite understand the focus on photographers but there you are.)

    One thing that bothers me is the marginalisation of certain activities or species as opposed to what I think would be the best way forward and that is to teach people to respect wildlife in any shape or form whatever it is that they do.

    A couple of years or so ago I was observing/ photographing a nest of GC grebes. The birds were disturbed by people using water scooters and the eggs destroyed (actually fell in the water) whilst only the first chick had hatched. For some reason the first chick didn't make it so the parents rebuilt a nest going for a second breeding attempt. It was further out but I continued to follow. Again, water scooter passing bang on next to the nest and the nest overturned (this time I got a photo of the 'event'. And NOBODY cared about it. Essentially what I was told is that the birds have 'other places' to go to nest should they wish for peace and quiet.

    Now if this is the attitude the 'wardens' were taking it is very difficult for the rest of us to insist on respect for raptors or other, particular species. The overall argument loses force if it appears that we allow disturbance, even death, if the local council is to make money by hiring water scooters to the public but we don't allow it if particular individuals are to pocket the cash. Incidentally, this is the patch where I had previously photographed a young osprey and there are plenty of owls, kestrels, and buzzards all of which are consistently being disturbed, particularly during the nesting season, as this co-incides with improved weather and therefore by people making en masse appearances in the lake using scooters, canoes and kayaks, putting loud music etc - I am convinced this is why the young osprey left as it could not hunt.

    This as it maybe I will do another push on Facebook etc amongst the animal loving groups. Fingers crossed ...

    My Gallery

    "Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." John Muir

  • You have picked up on some good points there Marina,another supporter to the cause. If you want to keep up to date on the shooting side of persecution you may find Mark Avery's blog and the Raptor Persecution UK sites interesting.They are not as biased as they seem at first and help to get a balance on this increasing problem. We maybe take a greater interest in the problem because our area rates as no. 1 black spot for raptors,not a claim we are proud of.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Will do Pete - this one?

    And yes, I don't believe in 'rating' the species, to me a sparrow has the same right to respect as a raptor or any other wild animal indeed. One thing that really gets me fuming is when they describe particular species (pidgeons, squirrels etc) as 'pests'. 

    My Gallery

    "Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." John Muir

  • I'm catching up on posts, live south Suffolk & have seen them fly over here. They are reported over minsmere way quite often. Often seen them near A1 at Stevenage & over A505 towards Duxford.

  • Unknown said:

    Will do Pete - this one?

    And yes, I don't believe in 'rating' the species, to me a sparrow has the same right to respect as a raptor or any other wild animal indeed. One thing that really gets me fuming is when they describe particular species (pidgeons, squirrels etc) as 'pests'. 

    yes Marina,if you scroll through Mark's blog some interesting stuff on there  The raptor persecution uk site is maybe a bit harder hitting but interesting in that is show,s a lot of what is happeneing


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Started reading already. It's sad that people can't just show respect to other forms of life.

    PS Just googled raptor persecution UK ... second post three dead goshawks ... geez!

    My Gallery

    "Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." John Muir

  • The Red Kites that were shot or poisoned were in our Clun recording area of Nidderdale hence our reason for getting angry about the subject, we just feel so helpless as we cannot do much ourselves other than acting as eyes for those who try to sort the problem.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can