Activity on the Alley

A nice weekend saw Mrs WJ & I down on the Alley, with some of the regular residents keeping us amused.  For fun, I experimented with the slo-mo video, whilst Mrs WJ stuck to the more traditional images.

Beewolves were quite active, with this little lady providing semaphore based air traffic control

Cleared for landing, the Beewolf circling overhead dropped in

Those already at home sat guarding their burrows

hunkering down well to avoid the breeze

Jewel wasps were searching for unattended burrows

and the Green Eyed Flower Bees were whizzing around as always, especially the males like this one

Pantaloon Bees were starting their burrows

They have a lot to learn from the Beewolves though

Yes, she did fill the lens!


and strange Squashbugs

were scurrying around, but the final word is from the Beewolves again, showing the polite way to apologise for trying to enter the wrong burrow


Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • More of the regular inhabitants have appeared - the Fly Stabbing Oxybelus Uniglumis was spotted by Mrs WJ

    Along with this rather horrible looking Robber Fly

    Mysterious shieldbugs sat on the path

    and tiny little burrow watching flies flitted about

    A new species (for us) has appeared - this little red & black wasp is taking grasshoppers (Tachysphex pompiliformis I believe)

    and of course the Beewolves are still bringing back their prey

    Finally, a couple of video clips - a Beewolf digging its burrow, interesting to see their scoop-a-handful and flick-behind method

    and compare it to the Pantaloon Bee


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • So fascinating even though some of the participants are less than beautiful!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • The slo mo videos of the Beewolves are great WJ, what fantastic diggers they are. Love the Jewel Wasp and Pantaloon Bee also the Green E Bee too, so detailed they are amazing.

    Lot to learn