• A Rare Dragon!

    Dropping water levels on Vange Marsh has attracted an array of feeding waders, with peaks of over 75 Black-tailed Godwit, 85 Lapwing, 35 Redshank, 13 Spotted Redshank, 15 Greenshank, along with smaller numbers of Whimbrel, Curlew, Ruff, Snipe, Green and Common Sandpipers. There was also a very brief visit from a Curlew Sandpiper which unfortunately didn’t stay for very long.

    The warm sunshine means there’s a great…

  • It's Big and It's green, any ideas?

    Lots of these Great Green Bush Crickets currently on our Bowers Marsh reserve, why not join tomorrow's 'Sneak Preview' guided walk which starts at 10.30 am. Call 01268 498621 to book a place.

    The Great Green Bush Cricket is the largest insect found in England and can only be found in limited areas in the south around July to October. It prefers to live on rough grassland and on uncut fields which have long…

  • We love wasps!

    Common Tern, Avocet, Lapwing and Redshank chicks can still be seen on Pitsea Scrape, Water Rail has also recently been heard calling from the reeds.

    We’re now starting to get a few passerine migrants, with a couple of sightings of Whinchat on West Canvey Marshes, the earliest autumn record here. West Canvey is alive with insects at the moment, the warm weather has meant loads of butterflies including lots of Marbled…

  • A wildlife creche!

    Pitsea Scrape has been performing well for breeding birds, a look out from the hide in Wat Tyler Country Park may reward you with views of Avocet, Lapwing, Redshank and Common Tern chicks.

    Vange Marsh has also brought breeding success, with sightings of juvenile Bearded Tit in the reedbed. Other highlights from Vange Marsh include up to two Wood Sandpipers on the main lagoon, a sure sign that the autumn migration will…

  • Insects steal the show in July

    South Essex Marshes plays host to a stunning array of insects including Shrill Carder Bee, Marbled White and Ringlet butterflies.

    All images taken by Marc Outten at South Essex Marshes


  • Interest the boy or girl in nature!

    Do you know someone who is interested in a future in conservation? Or who loves doing hands on practical work and being in the great outdoors? Or who is looking for a new idea and some work experience? If so please let them know about our exciting opportunity....Warden Days with the RSPB! 

    Warden Days are running on the third Sunday of each month 10am – 4pm. Joining us out on our local nature reserves you’ll get to experience…

  • How does your garden grow?

    Top 5 tips for a harmonious garden

    1.       Give your cat a bell
    Cats’ natural hunting instincts mean they can be a bit of a threat to garden birds.  If you have a pet cat then make sure it wears a collar with a bell attached so birds get an early warning when there’s a predator about.

    2.       Plants, plants, plants
    A good rule of thumb is that the more plants you grow, the better it is for wildlife, which is a great…

  • Welcome to our new Little Owls

    On Wednesday we had some new under 5's join our regular 'Little Owls' sessions. They all had a fantastic morning, making leaf crowns, building dens and playing woodland games. Out 'Little Owls' meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, the sessions run 10 am - midday, you don't have to book, just come along and join in the fun. Cost £3.50 per child with £1 discount for RSPB members.…

  • There is so much to see in South Essex!

    Highlight of the last few weeks has been up to two Little Gulls, which were seen for several days over on West Canvey Marsh. Also over on West Canvey have been singing Corn Buntings, their song is a metallic sound which some say sounds like jangling keys. Another good place to visit at the moment is the hide in Wat Tyler overlooking Pitsea Scrape, where our Avocet chicks have started to hatch and can be seen feeding with…

  • Wildlife Discovery Workshops

    The school holidays are in full swing - how will you be spending yours? If you're looking for something to do with your family come along to our Visitor Centre in Wat Tyler Park. We will have a craft table available every day and today & tomorrow we will be running 2 hour bookable Discovery Sessions out in the park. To book or for more information call 01268 498620

    There are still places availiable on todays and…

  • Last chance to see!

    Our blue tits are growing fast and will probably fledge this week. You can see them live in glorious colour on CCTV in our visitor centre at Wat Tyler Country Park.
  • You create wetlands, you get cracking wading birds!

    It’s been an exciting couple of weeks on the South Essex Marshes; last weekend saw brief visits from a Glossy Ibis and a Great White Egret, both seen from the hide overlooking Pitsea Scrape. Visitors to the hide have also been rewarded with great views of Marsh Harrier quartering over the reedbed, and good numbers of Avocet on the scrape. Across our other reserves, highlights have included Whimbrel and Cuckoo at West…

  • Little Owls Discover Space

    South Essex Marshes had a great Little Owls session this morning. Our theme was space so the children learnt all about stars and planets through games and activities, we also explored some very muddy paths through the park and built space rockets from recycled materials. Little Owls is the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month 10am - 4pm. £3.50 or £2.50 for RSPB members, no need to book just turn up on the day.…

  • A willowchiff?

    Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers are a troublesome duo unless they are singing!

    These two shots should help out a little...

    Thanks to Howard at Rainham for the ID photo

  • Our new arrivals!

    This weekend our first blue tit chick hatched, we now have eleven tiny little chicks and two very devoted and I'm sure proud parents. Our visitor centre is open daily 10 am - 5 pm, come along and watch their progress in stunning live colour footage.

  • Early risers enjoy the sound of spring!

    Spring is well under way as the later arriving migrants start to appear. Several Cuckoos have been seen, so keep an ear out for them calling, a sure sign warmer weather is on the way! A single Hobby was seen over Vange Marsh on the 26th April, these acrobatic falcons are great to watch as they try and chase Swallows and Martins. A Yellow Wagtail was seen over on West Canvey Marsh, along with several wheatear. The reedbeds…

  • An Islandic black-tailed godwit tracked!

    The importance of bird-ringing, we have known for a long time that many of our black-tailed godwits in the Greater Thames Estuary originate from Iceland. One such bird was seen in the creek, here at Wat Tyler on March 1st this year. The bird was rung 'RW-GO' and from that ring the following information was found:

    RW-GO was ringed as a breeding female in N Iceland.

    RW-GO 20.06.11 Langhús, Fljót, Skagafirði, N…

  • Step Up Fest - Hits All The Right Notes!

    What a great day out! Our Youth Nature Officers should be extremely proud of themselves, I know we all are in south Essex. The weather was kind to us, the inflattables were a big draw for the children and even allowed some of us adults to find our childish side!

    Our Phoenix club once again proved to be great fundraisers not only manning their cake stall, but also baking the cakes. Delicious they were too, well someone…

  • Springwatch starts early in south Essex!

    Just like the TV show, with cameras inside nestboxes enabling us all to watch live, the trials and tribulations of our feathered friends. RSPB South Essex Marshes are enthralling all who pop in to our visitor centre. This year we have live colour footage of a pair of blue tits, who have just started incubating a clutch of eleven eggs, well at least we think it's eleven, there may be more. Why not come along a see for…

  • Step Up and Rock for Nature!

    Kicking off the festival season is the eagerly anticipated Step Up Festival


    It’s nearly the start of summer and that can only mean one thing – it’s festival season!

    This brand new event taking place on Saturday 14 April in the heart of Essex will have live music, adult-friendly inflatables, food & drink and craft activities.

    The ‘Step Up Fest’ is a great opportunity for everyone to have…

  • Just the best time of the year!

    More and more migrants are on their way! You know spring is well and truly here when the Swallows return, also keep a look out for the first returning Sand and House Martins. Other migrants that have started to appear have included Wheatear along with Reed, Sedge and Willow Warblers. Migrant waders have included up to 8 Ruff, 3 Greenshank, 2 Spotted Redshank and 3 Common Sandpiper at Vange Marsh.

    During the school holidays…

  • Thames airport proposal

    Dear David

    The world of politics moves fast. One minute you’re playing badminton in your suit, the next you are making decisions that impact on generations as yet unborn. No wonder you politicians don’t always get it right.

    In recent weeks, the government has upset pasty eaters, drivers and grannies. We’re hoping you don’t add hundreds of thousands of wildfowl to the list. Building an airport in the special…

  • Spring is in the air!

    Spring is here! The temperature is warming up and the birds are starting to sing, listen out for Chiffchaff and Blackcap singing across all our reserves, they are some of the first migrants to arrive back in Britain. Elsewhere, highlights have included a brief visit from a Little Gull on Vange Marsh amongst the Black-headed gulls on the 23rd March, and on West Canvey Marsh, an Iceland Gull was seen on the 26th. Avocet…

  • Brimstone & Buzzard

    In recent weeks regular walkers on our Thursday wildlife walk, have been treated to summer like weather and excellent wildlife. Starting at 10.30 am each Thursday and lasting two hours, the walk is FREE, just come along to our visitor centre and take part. John Ainsworth is one of our regular walkers and has kindly shared the images below which he took during recent Thursday walks.

    In recent weeks a number of common…

  • Willow wonder

    This great snap is of our new willow form, sitting proudly in the South Essex wildlife garden.

    Created for us by the wonderful artist Laura Ellen Bacon, it looks good, smells good and is a great place for insects.

    A mixture of living and non-living willow, the form will continue to grow, bud and knot together.

    Woven at the top of our garden, standing over 6ft tall, it’s a great way of welcoming people into the garden…