Dear David

The world of politics moves fast. One minute you’re playing badminton in your suit, the next you are making decisions that impact on generations as yet unborn. No wonder you politicians don’t always get it right.

In recent weeks, the government has upset pasty eaters, drivers and grannies. We’re hoping you don’t add hundreds of thousands of wildfowl to the list. Building an airport in the special habitats of the Thames Estuary would do just that.

The Thames Estuary is a vital migration hub for hundreds of thousands of wildfowl and wading birds. Some spend the winter in the Thames, feeding on its mud flats and saltings, others are in transit between their Arctic breeding grounds and winter homes further south. What you may see as mud, is a thriving mass of life that relies on our protection.

The previous issues are in your past, but it is not too late with this one. Don’t be seduced by a quick bob or two into trashing something of infinite value. The economy will not thrive if we destroy the environment that underpins it.

Here are a few pointers to bear in mind:

  1. Don’t mess with British institutions – mother Thames and all who live in her is one of these. You didn’t know how much we cared about pasties either.
  2. Don’t create something out of nothing – the case to put an airport in the Thames is weak and comes with complicated risks for people such as planes striking birds.
  3. Don’t assume that just because it makes money it is moral or right for the people of the UK.
  4. It’s not too late to avert a disaster.

I hope you find this useful – if I can explain further over a nice game of badminton, then give me a shout.

Yours sincerely,


PS. for anyone else who wants to give government a nudge, sign the e-action.