Spring is well under way as the later arriving migrants start to appear. Several Cuckoos have been seen, so keep an ear out for them calling, a sure sign warmer weather is on the way! A single Hobby was seen over Vange Marsh on the 26th April, these acrobatic falcons are great to watch as they try and chase Swallows and Martins. A Yellow Wagtail was seen over on West Canvey Marsh, along with several wheatear. The reedbeds are starting to come alive too, especially on Vange Marsh where you can hear Reed, Sedge and Cetti’s Warbler all singing, along with Reed Buntings and the ‘pinging’ calls of Bearded Tit. This time of year is great for the dawn chorus, so why not get out early one morning and see what you can hear. Or, if you’re a bit rusty on your bird songs, come along to one of our dawn chorus walks at Wat Tyler Country Park. Each walk starts at 5 am and lasts around two hours. The walks are on Sunday 6, Tuesday 15 and Sunday 19 May.  To book yourself a place call 01268 498620, cost is £3 with a £1 discount for RSPB members.

Cuckoo - David Lee