Yorkshire member visits RSPB Rainham Marshes

Eeee, I 'ad a reet good time the day I went t'Rainham Marshes.   I were on't way to Surrey, over t'QE Bridge, but deviated off t'beaten path to Rainham for a bit of 'me time'.   After I'd fed and watered me whippets, it were my turn - up t'cafe.  Fabulous place.  Staff were reet friendly, even though they do talk funny. Sign language worked a treat though and they got it right first time - coffee and pie (naturally).   I took a look out 'o't big window over the reserve below - eee my giddy aunt, what a crackin' place!  It's vast.  Nearly wore me clogs out walking round 't reserve - and I still didn't see it all.  Bumped into some right nice folk as I went along too.  Magic.  Too many birds to mention here, but t'kingfisher were a highlight.   I honestly never thought they 'ad birds down south, but now I know different.  There were even a water vole swimmin' abaht (see photos).  Ah'll be back!

[Seriously though - called in enroute Yorkshire to Surrey and no regrets.  Fab place.  Enjoyed my half day at Rainham Marshes very much and really impressed at the sheer diversity of species.  Congratulations to the staff and volunteers for making it what it is and I honestly can't wait to return one day soon when I get the chance]

Colin Frankland. Wildlife photography nut and appreciator of all things good.

See my Flickr photostream : https://www.flickr.com/photos/colfrankland/