Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Jeff G, are you really saying a family ticket  has gone up by nearly 70% from £9 to £15 - a rate that only gives you a saving if you have 3 or more children, apart from the princely £1 you save if you have 2 children. I hadn't realised inflation was running that high(-:).

  • I fully understand the need to increase the entry fee and think the increase for adults to £5 is fair. However...if I've got it right, a 100% increase in the entry fee for children looks steep. Yes I know there is a family ticket (up from £9 to £15) but we all know how important it is to engage children with nature, so hope the increase wont affect the number of family visits to a wonderful reserve run by wonderful people. Is it too cheeky a question to ask who set the new admission rates...? :)

  • I've just come in from a field trip with my Local Group this evening and I've just read some of the latest posts in this blog.. You no where Bob as I've told you.

    But from reading the post from Louise i do agree Bob that her post seems to suggest that anyone who said they live locally and had no proof of ID or current address would be given free admission and that is a very worrying thought for me that anyone could gain free admission, even if they are not members or don't live locally.





  • I take it then, that you mean if anyone turned up and said that they were local but had no proof of ID and current address, they would be given free admission.?

  • As Howard is away for a couple of days I thought I would answer your question - ideally local residents bring proof of address when they visit. I hope that helps!