Fantastic Start to Fungi/Mushroom season

We took a walk around the heathland on Tuesday 09 September and it looks as though this Fungi/Mushroom season will be a good one. Plenty of established and emerging fungi around the Heathland paths, including many marvelous Stinkhorns and their Witches Egg's plus Amethyst Deceivers, Boletus, Agarics and even some False Death Caps poking through the leaf litter
Photos are posted here

Jim Langiewicz
Volunteer Reserve Guide
RSPB Medmerry
RSPB Pagham Harbour
RSPB Chichester Peregrines Date For Nature

  • I see Jim has posted some new photos in his Flickr album (see links above) - well worth checking out.

  • Thanks Sue C,

    as a fellow flickr user I quickly found Jim's album. It is wonderful to find so many different types on a relatively short walk.

    Cheers,  Mike

    Best regards,


  • Thanks all, we've not had good luck scheduling ourselves onto the Fungi Foray's this season at PB, or elsewhere for that matter, so we've been trying to keep up with the fungi during other opportunities when we can get out to the reserve. If you read Anna's blog we recently found a new fungi on the reserve, Pea-Shaped Bird’s Nest (Nidularia deformis). Quite literally thousands of these that look more like rabbit droppings then fungus until they open up. We did return after a few days to find them in that stage. Updated images on our Flickr page here

    Jim Langiewicz
    Volunteer Reserve Guide
    RSPB Medmerry
    RSPB Pagham Harbour
    RSPB Chichester Peregrines Date For Nature