My First Nightingale of the year at Pulborough.

Had my second trip to Pulborough in as many weeks, still no luck with Adders but a lovely Nightingale made my day, full report and pics below.


Regards Shane


My Photos in Flickr.

  • The link just takes me to the Community Home Page... I'm going to PB on May 12th, so hopefully I'll see one too. Whereabouts did you see your Nightingale?

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Hi mc I'm replying on my phone so apologies for no link it was near the courtyard, full details on the forum website

    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Hi, Shane & mc, I had a cracking day at Pulborough today (16th April) as well. Fortunately, Pulborough is only  30 minute drive away for me, so I am able to get there at least once a fortnight. Love the place. Today was such a good warbler day; four Nightingales singing around the 'Brooks' walk, Blackcap, Common & Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff & Willow Warblers all sounding really well. On the Woodland walk, Goldcrests were showing well, as were Treecreepers (2), Nuthatches calling and GS Woodpecker drumming. Add to that the Peacock and Tortoiseshell butterflies on the flowering Bluebells... Bliss! My high spot of the day, though was when the pair of Avocets came close to the Netley hide; I had seen them mating from the Hangar viewpoint and they were definitely creating a 'scrape' on the small island. Fingers crossed! In my experience, mc, the best places for Nightingales is by Fattengates Courtyard (you might not hear them singing due to the clicking of camera shutters!) and along 'Adder Alley', as you approach the gate to the public bridleway. As you both probably know, but for those who have not been there before, the brilliant staff will be only to happy to point out the current 'hot-spots'. I ended up with a cup of tea and a slice of delicious Farmhouse cake in the really nice cafe. Then, on the drive home, spotted two buzzards over the A27 at Findon.

    mc, will try and get up to Pulborough on the 12th May - it would be good to meet up.  


    My photos are on Flickr