Wetlands rain and wind.

The forecast was dismal for the weekend past. Having said that there was blue sky early on Saturday morning so we thought we'd try an hour before the weather got too bad. A few Redwings flew swiftly over. Not much else was in the skies. The odd small bird went past too quickly to see carried along at 30mph. What made it worth it was views of an Otter from the first screens, catching fish. Video included with all frames that include the Otter. 50x zoom in high winds with an Otter diving and appearing 20m away don't make for high quality viewing.

We got soaked in heavy downpours. Driving away from reserve found that we had a punctured tyre. We haven't had the car long and it contained a repair kit rather than a spare wheel. Got soaked again trying to use the kit. It didn't work so had to call RAC. I will definitely be getting a spare wheel very soon.