identify rose burr please

First time posting here, although we regularly walk the wetlands of a weekend. We found several examples of these vivid red burrs attached to trailing rose-like leaves and stems alongside the path at the east end of the reserve. Any idea what they are? I have uploaded the photo but the preview does not show it, so we will see if it works. Many thanks Steve
Steve Dunnett School of Biosciences Cardiff University
  • I've been fairly quiet this year generally, and this summer especially, (other commitments), But I find that during summer when the birds are quiet the micro/macro world to be interesting diversion.

    ID is a major issue of course, the birding area is well covered both online and off, but insect ID books are more difficult to find. There is also the fact that whereas the British bird list is around 600 species, you could find that many insect species in a single oak tree!! and of course their fascinating life cycle, means that the ID issue is multiplied with Nymphs and intermediate forms - A fledgling   bird has some visual relationship to it's parent, this is not often the case with insects :-)

    Best regards

    | My Images |  Newport Wetlands on Flickr @barman58