Minsmere Visit 26-02-2012

Today was our first visit to Minsmere this year and what a cracking day, the sun really shone and the birds certainly sang! I was a bit concerned as to what we might be confronted with, what with all of the construction that`s been going on over recent months. No worries as it turns out, the North wall work doesn`t show signs of heavy machinery working around the area. No doubt the fauna will soon colonise the ramped embankments in no time at all and probably by the end of Summer will be barely noticeable.

The new reception building has dovetailed beautifully into the original, it hardly looks like an extension. Credit due to the main contractor ISG, Iv`e seen some photos of other projects they have been involved with. RSPB have chosen well, in fact, it hardly looks like a construction site now. Island Mere hide too, what a superb place. Open and airey with a panoramic view. If only the other hides could be rebuilt in the same manner, two storeys though.

Finally words of thanks to all of the staff and volunteers, it`s never easy working in temporary conditions trying to fulfill the needs of all. Well done one and all.

Just when I had the answer the question got changed

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