Snoozing Away the Winter

With long nights and short days, especially cold and wet ones, the camera never seems to get quite so much of a battering in winter.  Some of our favourite subjects are tucked up safe in bed, some are simply harder to find, especially in the blustery winds we have been getting recently.  However, it did strike me that I've been a bit remiss in putting up a thread in the past month or so, I certainly wouldn't want anyone to think the wildlife's all vanished!

Bird-wise, the ducks are still ruling the scrapes and a bit of winter sunshine highlights the colours on this Shelduck - everything's getting ready for spring and it's essential to look your best at that time

It's important not to miss the obvious though, friendly Robins are always nearby

and low-flying geese can get you worried - one day it'll come straight into the hide!

In the reedbeds, there is that ever popular masochistic birdwatcher's task of Snipe Spotting

Hang around long enough though, and you may be lucky to see the otters

Bluetits enjoyed the BGBW cake left out for them (until the badger stole it overnight!)

Elsewhere in the woods, Great Tits were investigating the nest boxes, looking for desirable accommodation

And the squirrels were building up their duvet for the cold nights

There are still plenty of deer around too, if you keep your eyes open.  Some of the stags are starting to lose their antlers, but most are still pretty magnificent, like this chap out the back of the reserve

The days are lengthening slowly, it won't be long before the turning seasons speed up activity!


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Parents Reply
  • Bitterns have gone all shy & elusive on us again at the moment - the water levels are quite high so it's pretty flooded in front of the hide. The Bitterns like a nice edge, so we'll have to wait a bit before they perform once more I reckon :-)
    There was a third otter, scoffing a fish it caught. Unfortunately, it was sat right in the glare of the low sun reflecting off the water and impossible to photograph. It's a mother & two (grown up) cubs - but like many teenagers, they refuse to leave home :-)


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