Good Day But A Wet End

Wednesday 17th October 2018

Day at Minsmere


20’C in car when we arrived. There was a heavy dew early this Morning. It was warm enough to not wear a coat.

Outside the Visitors Centre near the Feeders there was some fungus growing out of the top of the wooden wall. It looks like some sort of Waxcap Fungus.

A type of Waxcap Fungus


The Birds on the Feeder outside the Visitor Centre.

Blue Tit, Great Tit, and Chaffinch.

The Bracken round near the café has gone Brown and is dying back and this week there, is a lot more leaves laying on the ground, not just here, at Minsmere on the Journey to Minsmere I noticed that some of the Trees are starting to look bearer this week.

The Birds on the Feeder outside the Café.

Pheasant, Dunnock, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, and Goldfinch.


Birds seen on the North Wall.

Magpie, Carrion Crow.

Walking along the North Wall Path was like being in a Submarine hearing the Bearded Tits pinging in the Reeds on ever side of the path. While we were down near the Beach, we got a quick sighting of a head of a Grey Seal near to the Shoreline and a Cormorant flying low.  On the way, back along the path there was large black clouds of Nat’s.

The Parasol Mushroom that I have been taking Photos of other the week has finally end.

End of the Parasol Mushroom


Birds seen on the North Scape.

Little Egret, Mute Swan


We went to checkout behind the Pond, I have found that behind the pond is one of the best places to find and see the Flying Agaric Mushroom at different stages of its growth. When we got round the pond of the pond, I was not disappointed there was a small Flying Agaric that has not quite opened out fully.

Flying Agaric


After lunch, walk through the Woodland Walk there was a carpet Golds and Browns Leaves laying all-round the base of the Trees and on the Path too. As we got past the South Belt Crossroad was when we came a crossed our first black cloud of Nat’s for the afternoon as we got Farther along the path towards the Sluice the black clouds of Nat’s seem to be getting larger. There seemed to be very little wind today, a good number of Dragonflies whizzing round the reed beds, the Reed Beds seems to be a lot Browner, and dying back this week autumn is really getting a hold onto things. Walking back from the Sluice the sky over the Bittern Hide looked a little Grey. The Red Glasswort was not as red today that seem to be dying back and it looked Brownie colour.

Red Glasswort


The Birds the we saw out on the South Scape:

Grey Heron, Shelduck, Wigeon, Teal, and Mallard.


On the Pond back of South Hide.

Ferruginous Duck, Mallard, and Teal.

We had a fly pass from some Barnacle Geese as we were walking to the Wildlife Hide. We did not get to see mush in the Wildlife Hide because it started to rain. We decided to make our way back to the Visitors Centre, it was only that misty rain, but it seemed harder when we started get under the Trees along the path. Even though we had this little rain, it was still an enjoyable day as always.

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