Welcome to Siberia-on-Sea!

You really, really know it when the wind is coming from the east in this part of the world - suddenly all promise of Spring disappears as the temperature plummets and even fifty layers of clothing aren't quite enough to ensure warmth!  It was still worth heading out around the Scrape yesterday, though:

A moorhen shows off its distinctively feathered bum on the stone curlew field.

This lovely lapwing wasn't far away from the moorhen.

A shoveler doing what he does best!

Two black-tailed godwits were on the Scrape.  It's fairly pointless trying to hide behind the ducks when you're that height!

A lone teal was enjoying a good sleep on the island closest to me .......... aren't his feathers beautiful?

This oystercatcher didn't stay for long - happily it was just long enough for me!

This shelduck went to extreme lengths to attract a suitable member of the opposite sex!

The pintails are happy to use any method to hide their heads from photographers.

It's almost impossible to walk around the Scrape without seeing a redshank.

A subtle exit from this greylag goose!

Yay!  The snow buntings are still with us.

Just after I got this photo they flew inland!  That was well timed.

It was hard work trying to get snaps of the flying gulls - happily I successfully captured this herring gull.

'Oy!  What do you two think you're doing?'

A fine view of a marsh harrier from the Wildlife Lookout.  I don't often see them from here unless I'm looking out of the rear windows.

After he disappeared from sight it was a relief to head for the Visitor Centre and some warmth!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Ooooh Clare, you are so brave to venture out & capture all those lovely pics to share with us armchair huggers ... I am not that far from you so will be sharing all that awful weather to come!  Brrrrr


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It certainly has been cold yesterday and today Clare with strong breeze so you did well venturing out to bring us back these lovely photos and a Snow Bunting no less :)  The Marsh Harriers are so beautiful to watch as they quarter the marshes and not forgetting the gulls, geese and ducks !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Cold up here too, and promising colder I hear.   You keep going out Clare and I will keep looking at the photos wrapped up in fleece and wearing my warm slippers!!   If I could find a Teal and Lapwing looking so good though it might tempt me to take a walk with camera.

    Lot to learn

  • Cold up here too, and promising colder I hear.   You keep going out Clare and I will keep looking at the photos wrapped up in fleece and wearing my warm slippers!!   If I could find a Teal and Lapwing looking so good though it might tempt me to take a walk with camera.

    Lot to learn

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