Minsmeres Sky

Another Wednesday at Minsmere the wind was blow today


Got out of the car and just beside the car I noticed these Fungi just by the path. I'm not sure of the name so please could someone help please.


The Bird Feeder outside the Café wasn't very busy this morning. There were Greenfinches. Goldfinches and a Male Chaffinch.


I notice the sky out the café window. Before we started going our morning walk round Minsmere I had to quickly get a couple of pictures of the Clouds with the sun behind them.


We then made our way to the Back of the pond were we saw the Fly Agaric Fungi were still there? The once that I took a Photo of last week had gone. There were new once in their place this week and there was more of them.


We walk to North Marsh and as we were making our way along the path the sun was trying so hard to break through the clouds. Half way along the path I took this picture of the sun lighting up the back of the cloud.

and once we got to the end of the path the wind were really blowing. I did manage to take another picture of the sky. I think today is going to be a sky day as its change every time I look up.


The wind was in our faces all the way to the North Hide. It was quiet not much birds about but I did get a picture of the Ponies. When I got home to download my photos onto my compute, when I took the picture of the ponies I did not notice the sky.


I did manage to get a picture of a pair of Moorhens


After the big bang I thought I would check that Sizewell was still there?


Going along the North Hide path there was some more Fly Agaric Fungi


Round the back of the pond near the Sand Martins Bank the bracken has dried back.


The view from the front of the Wildlife Hide.


Walking down the Sluice Path this is what was in front of us.


I found this Fungi behind the Bitten Hide. I'm not sure of the name? Please could someone help.



The South Hide I have a Redshank right in front of the hide.


Also out front of the South Hide there was a group of Wigeon.


Leaving the south Hide the view was great.


I think the sky was just amazing this week. I think the sun wanted to let us know that it was still there even though it was behind the clouds.





My Flickr. Photos link HERE

  • Not sure of the first fungus without looking for it ourselves. Could be one of the pinkgills, or possibly parachute fungi but could also be several other species. Would need to look at the gills, spores, etc (according to our fungi champion, as I wouldn't know where to start.

    The other fungi that you couldn't ID is shaggy inkcap (I did know that one!)

    Lots of fly agarics around now, waiting for the elves and fairies to gather.

    I love the changing skies - but then anyone who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for impressive skyscapes. I guess that's one of the reasons I love Suffolk so much.

  • Thanks Ian for your help :) See you Saturday when I come for the Deer Safari.

    My Flickr. Photos link HERE