A day of garden birds and reedbed at Minsmere.

It's always lovely to come to Minsmere but it's particularly so when Limpy and I manage to visit together on days when neither of us are on Reception duty.  The sightings started in the car park:

For some reason I really love to watch birds bathing.

This male chaffinch is being very thorough!

'What do you mean, have I had lifeguard training?  It's a puddle, for goodness' sake!'

A robin in the bushes near the Visitor Centre feeders.

This beautiful goldfinch gets the party started on the caff feeder.

It's not on its own for long!

'Party?  Where?'

'I don't know......for some reason I don't think I'm invited.'

After tea and cake we headed to the Bittern Hide where this handsome bird was lurking:

I wish he'd been closer - his subtly gleaming feathers were looking good.

Part of the reason the crows lurk on the reedbed are these stunning raptors.

Like the crow, this female marsh harrier didn't come close enough for me.

The male was much more obliging.

This little egret was on the prowl at a thoroughly civilised distance from the hide - for me, anyway.

I know I post loads of pictures of these but they are such beautiful birds.

A short flight gave me the chance to try to capture its wingspan.

Very nice!

This robin demanded my attention at the bottom of Bittern Hide.

Just one of countless pheasants in the woodland.

A lovely blue tit on the Visitor Centre feeder.

At the Island Mere hide the preening pool consisted of a couple of cormorants and some herring gulls.

The mute swan was determined to carry on as usual despite the common gull invasion.

This cormorant was doing a wonderful job of demonstrating the art of preening to its young audience.

Finishing with a lovely coot.

Enjoy, as always!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.