Last Minsmere visit before Christmas!

As it was such a lovely day yesterday I managed to get my backside in gear and escaped from the house nice and early to have a good explore of Minsmere before my afternoon reception shift.  One of our neighbourhood crows clearly approved and let me have a good view of his subtly gleaming feathers:

I made it to Island Mere Hide by about 9.30.  Most of the usual suspects weren't about but a few gulls adorned the preening pool:

There were no less than 7 marsh harriers in the air, though my photos of them weren't exactly as good as I would have liked!  This little grebe came so close to the hide, though, that even I could snap it:

After a while I headed to the Visitor Centre for a quick catch up and then off I went for a walk around the Scrape.  As I came through the picnic area this lovely female pheasant posed for me:

As I made my way up the North Wall I noticed a few things lurking.  This pair of stonechats weren't as close as I would have liked:

There were a couple of marsh harriers about as well:

The greylag geese very kindly announced their arrival:

Couldn't resist this herring gull on my way to East Hide:

I was very pleased when I reached East Hide as there was plenty to see, and lots of it was near the hide!  There were a good number of black-tailed godwits about and they were making some adorable noises as they pottered about:

A lone Canada goose enjoys some me time:

A beautiful redshank:

I couldn't resist the gorgeous green head of this male mallard:

It wasn't the only lovely green head on view:

Shovelers are lovely on those rare occasions when they actually lift their huge beaks from the water!

There were lots of lapwing about:

Great black-backed gulls are absolutely huge - not that this bothered the herring gull or the common gull nearby:

Some seriously hostile noises were coming from this shelduck:

On my way down to the sluice I spotted this - a female stonechat (thanks, Robbo!):

The West Scrape had some lovely things about as well.  Wigeon:

One of our Konik ponies:

'What do you think you're looking at?)

As I neared the Visitor Centre a few more birds posed for me:

Two of our cheekiest - a lovely robin and this handsome magpie:

A chaffinch politely waiting his turn on the feeder:

One of our friendly pheasants:

Finally, a female blackbird:

Hope you all enjoy these.  Merry Christmas!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.