A short but sweet visit to Minsmere.

Limpy had the bad luck to drop his binoculars recently so off we went to the excellent Viking Optics to get them sorted out.  Once they were fixed we thought we were much too close to Minsmere to not pay a quick visit.  After a tasty lunch we headed to Bittern Hide - Limpy got there slightly ahead of me and managed to get a very brief sighting of what was probably a weasel before it disappeared.  Naturally this meant we were both peering in the wrong direction when this lovely bittern flew in.  I managed to snap it on the ground, though:

Well, in the water, anyway:

It then took off again and landed behind the reeds, out of sight.  It wasn't to be my last heron of the day, though, as this little egret flew in:

It didn't stay for long:

On our way back to the Visitor Centre we saw a few deer - this one looked in a right old tangle:

I couldn't resist snapping this adorable chaffinch on the toilet roof:

I hope you enjoy this little set!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry the binoculars got damaged but glad you could get them fixed and had time to call in at Mimsmere.  Certainly worth the effort with the fantastic Bittern (I've only ever seen the head of one  lol )  and the wonderful L.Egret, Deer and handsome Chaffie.  Lovely photos and thread Clare.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Sorry the binoculars got damaged but glad you could get them fixed and had time to call in at Mimsmere.  Certainly worth the effort with the fantastic Bittern (I've only ever seen the head of one  lol )  and the wonderful L.Egret, Deer and handsome Chaffie.  Lovely photos and thread Clare.


    Regards, Hazel 

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