Well, a bad day for identification anyway! Yesterday ended up being a bit of a bug and fungi day - but there were a couple of examples that have Mrs WJ and I stumped.
This chap was hanging around near the pond and walked with a very mechanical gait. We reckon s/he is in the Hemiptera order, but far from sure
This fungi was growing on a dead log near the crossroads in the wood. It seems to be bleeding from the stipe (stalk)
We promised Ian we'd put the pics up on here so we could get the experts to examine them :-)
Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index
Lovely photos, Whistling Joe, but I'm hopeless at bugs and fungi (and not too much better at birds!).
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Great shots, Joe. No idea on the ID's though.
My bird photos HERE
A Flickr contact tells me it's a western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis), which is an invasive species (probably why it wasn't in my British bug book!)
Jon Evans has identified the fungi as wrinkled peach - Rhodotus palmatus. I comes in both wrinkled and smoother forms and has the typical "bleeding" stem. Hope this helps
Ah hah! Thanks Ian, I'll update my Flickr pic as well. Mrs WJ bumped into Jon during the week and chatted about it, so glad his book has better pics than ours :-)