Well, a Bittern made of starlings to be precise. Sunday afternoon turned a bit grey, gloomy and very windy, so no nice murmeration against the sunset unfortunately, but the hide was still packed to watch the show. I saw this swirling cloud and it looked like a Bittern to me, which seems rather appropriate somehow.....
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Brilliant - definitely looks like a lurking bird of that kind, doesn't it?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Looks like a tail-less Shrew to me WJ!! Love looking for resemblances in these murmuration pics, thanks for posting!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Hadeda Ibis :)
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/
Good one A (now I've googled it lol!)
I'm thinking Kiwi...( not the shoe polish).!!
My bird photos HERE
I dunno, looks pretty like this to my eyes!
I'll see if I can find one in a pose closer to the starling version. He was most accommodating today, marching up and down in front of the hide. I now have a couple hundred Bittern pics to sort through :-)
Unknown said:I now have a couple hundred Bittern pics to sort through
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Here you go - nearer the right shape :-)