Recent wildlife sightings

Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience in the absence of recent blogs. I've just posted a new one with a summary of the last week's sightings and the current flooding.

Following some of the feedback from you, I'm opening a new Forum thread where you can all add your own updates to allow others to know what to look out for on their visits to Minsmere.

Please can I ask you all to restrict postings to this thread to sightings from Minsmere, and that you include dates, times and locations where possible. If you report any reserve, county or national rarities we may ask you for further details, including descriptions.

We would, of course, love to see your photos either here or in the gallery. Don't forget, too, that you can share your photos and sightings with others via the RSPB Suffolk Facebook page and @RSPBMInsmere on Twitter

Happy spotting

  • This thread was a good idea - we're hoping to be visiting you today so watch this space!

    EDIT:  I'm assuming you're after sightings of the more interesting birds so here goes:

    Marsh Harrier from North Hide at 10.20, flying across from left to right.

    2 Marsh Harriers and 2 Bitterns between 11.00 and 12.00, from Bittern Hide.  Little Egret in flight as well - beautiful!

    4 Red Deer (including 1 youngster) seen from path between Bittern and Island Mere Hides, between 12.00 and 12.30.

    3 Snipe from Island Mere Hide, between 12.30 and 1.00

    5 Common Buzzards from Island Mere Hide, late morning.

    Goldcrest from path between Bittern and Island Mere Hides, early afternoon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Bit of a question for you - we saw this today, high up and circling.  It's a Buzzard - but is it a Common Buzzard?  Can't make up my mind looking at the book.  Sorry it's a bit of a dodgy pic - it was VERY high up!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Definitely a common buzzard WJ. There were at least 20 reported over Minsmere yesterday

Reply Children
  • This one was number 4 that we'd seen, so not surprised there were more.  I assume they're on their way from A to B, we don't normally see so many hanging around!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Where do I start?

    Otter from North Hide, 1.05pm

    Bittern from Island Mere Hide, on and off all afternoon.

    Snipe from boardwalk outside Island Mere Hide, between 3 and 3.15pm

    Bittern from Bittern Hide, 4.35pm

    4 marsh harriers from Island Mere Hide, between 5 and 6pm

    Rather a lot of starlings, sunset!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I agree, what a day at Minsmere today! It`s  great place just to be never mind the wildlife. Then along comes a Bitten and Snipe (same places as Clare) and wow a champion place to try out the new camera.

    Good meeting up with you Clare, it was our Summer house an Osprey used as a "Perch." Now, where shall we go tomorrow?

    Just when I had the answer the question got changed

  • Limpy and I were pleased to meet you too!  Wait till you see his photos.....

    Rainham Marshes is a lovely reserve......or will it be straight back to Minsmere?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Ha ha, that`s a bit like Daddy or chips. We like Lackford Lakes but it hasn`t got a "Minsmere" tea shop. Maybe off to Boyton then it`s only a short hop back to Minsmere.

    Just when I had the answer the question got changed

  • A busy ol' day with plenty going on.  The Harriers were collecting

    Adders were hiding in the grass

    The Greylag was getting bolshy

    But there's always someone bigger around!  This is Psycho-swan for those that haven't been to Minsmere recently

    Always plenty of squirrels of course

    The bunny is brave - this is where I shot a pic of a Stoat hunting only a few days ago!

    Whispering sweet nothings.  Her response was too rude to print I'm afraid!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Thanks for posting these WJ. Some very nice work, love the take on the gulls. Will be at Minsmere tomorrow with sunscreen lol.

    Just when I had the answer the question got changed

  • Whistling Joe I see you  have had a good day at Minsmere and some good photos I will be going tomorrow.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • The starlings were down to just 1000 birds last night. Most have probably headed back to Scandinavia or Russia. Those that were left put on a valiant show, but it looks like the show is over for another winter.

  • No sign of Garganey from the Wildlife Lookout today and didn't have time to do the full tour of the scrape so missed the Ruff and Med Gulls that have been reported. The usual crowd of hard working staff all preparing from the arrival of Springwatch. Soon we be able to see the Greater Spotted Packham on our visits!