Loch Leven in all her glory



  • jolly nice!

    I'd give up all this wildlife watching for a season ticket for my beloved Bristol Rovers

  • Lovely photos B/lass clouds are stunning in the first one . The weather up here hes been awful the last couple o days but hopefully better tomorrow . We call that hill in the background the Bishop (don`t know why) and my pals and i have been up a few times.  

    take nothing but pictures, and leave only footprints

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 06/02/2011 03:38 in reply to dov

    Thank you Jeremy.

    Ello Dov :)

    Yes I know about the Bishop, lol, my friend used to fly gliders there and he is an Aviation Photographer so he climbs up there a lot, he keeps threatening to drag me up there! but the only way that's going to happen is if he carries me and my gear to the top hee hee, Benarty was enough for me lugging my gear up there.

    Thank you also for your kind comments on my photographs, the light was just stunning that day, I had set off to do the walk round to the next eating place, but was too busy photographing the scenery and blethering :)

  • hi , i would advise you that , if you were going to go up wait till late spring or summer , it can be very bleak at this time of year, takes a bit longer for things to heat up there. You`d probably see skylarks , kestrels , buzzards , red grouse etc , mind i heard a cuckoo a while back but didn`t manage to see it . There`s also a few reservoirs up there that used to supply our water,  so there would be enough to keep your day interesting if you finally did make it :-0.

    take nothing but pictures, and leave only footprints

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 11/02/2011 04:21 in reply to dov

    dov said:

    hi , i would advise you that , if you were going to go up wait till late spring or summer , it can be very bleak at this time of year, takes a bit longer for things to heat up there. You`d probably see skylarks , kestrels , buzzards , red grouse etc , mind i heard a cuckoo a while back but didn`t manage to see it . There`s also a few reservoirs up there that used to supply our water,  so there would be enough to keep your day interesting if you finally did make it :-0.

    Thanks Dov :)

    I will certainly be a more frequent visitor when the weather warms up a bit, would love to photograph a cuckoo,I hear them but have yet to get the nack of spotting them !