Loch Leven NNR Birds

Hello folks. I've been really active this year but really struggling for birds. This morning I took a break from chainsawing and looked out with a scope. There is a fine flock of Pochard about 560 strong. In amongst these were a fine drake Scaup, Drake Smew (maybe Loch Gelly bird) and Drake Ruddy Duck (Maybe the last. I keep saying that ;-) ). All these birds were off Orwell, east of Burleigh. (NO146037) But rarest of all by Loch Leven standards was a Twite along the hedge at Orwell. Only the 4th time I've seen this species at Loch Leven. (NO150039) There are a few Whoopers around Vane. 34 this afternoon and a further 19 around the gliding club. Some Redpolls and at least one Brambling are on the Vane feeders.Lots to see around the NNR.All the best Jeremy

I'd give up all this wildlife watching for a season ticket for my beloved Bristol Rovers