I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • patily said:
    I wasn't around yesterday When and how did Richard give the alert? Where had she been seen?

    He put a comment to his most recent blog (at that point) to say that he'd been texted by a friend who'd seen an osprey at a nearby loch and we should all keep our eyes open.  She took an hour and a half to arrive from the time of the text - I couldn't tear myself away from the screen!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I got totally taken up with looking at the screen at the time, and my OH had to start cooking dinner without me!   (thank goodness he's not a helpless type LOL)

  • What an amazing bird.  I often wonder how many more "EJ's" and "Lady's" there are out there, turning up every year and producing the next generations of osprey to keep the numbers up.   Thank goodness they are so good at raising their young so that we can continue to enjoy this wonderful bird in the UK.

  • EJ remains as ever, a devoted and resourceful Mother and guardian of her nest at LG! And she is just as beautiful with every passing year!!

  • As I've just added a picture to Odin's thread I feel it's only fair to do the same to EJ's:

    What a wingspan! 

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.