I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • EJ launching - mid April  2011     (NOT my picture)  credit to someone I can't remember , I hope you will pardon me.


  • Just bumping to keep her by Odin   LoL

  • EJ has a leg ring . Does anyone  know which chick she was in her nest. Was she the oldest?

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Dont know the answer to that one. EJ was ringed as a chick in a nest near Bridge of Cally in north east Perthshire in July 1997, Keith Brockie, the famous wildlife artist, placed a colour ring white - black EJ on the right leg. Info from Roy Dennis.

  • Thanks Alan . That is all the  information I was able to find too.  

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Barbara Jean: Keith Brockie is on Facebook. Also I tried Googling 'keith brockie osprey ringing bridge of cally notes' and found nothing much, except a blog callled 'Eagle cam' which if you use edit/find in the browser, it comes up with a lot of references to EJ and quotes RD/Alan verbatim. Your post is there as well...small world sometimes on the blogoshere.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Thanks jsb

    I sent an email to Roy Dennis in hopes he may know. I have no idea how often he reads his messages. This is his busy time of the  year .  

    If they took pictures at the ringing wouldn't it be  fantastic to see her as a juvenile!! 

    Now that is a far out  idea that I doubt will happen , but wishing is free 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Cirrus - EJ launching (for an exercise flight) was one of mine - 18th April 2011, if anyone wants the date - and, no, I don't mind at all!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Barbara Jean:  Its funny how we remember things early in the morning, so it was this morning that I realised I had a Keith Brockie book of sketches and paintings. It is available widely in used form, as well as in specimen condition. The title of the one I have is 'The Silvery Tay' a first edition, published 1988. What is interesting, but may not help find the picture of EJ that you are looking for, is that in his description of his methods and materials used, I find no reference to a camera. However there are some photos in the book of scenery and one or two osprey nests. Roy Dennis is also mentioned as Highland Officer of RSPB, running the ringing scheme.

    As evidence of the craft of Brockie and no reference to photography, he says on one page under a painting of an osprey chick 'Osprey Chick (c 40 days old), 11th July 87. These must be the least aggressive of all raptor chicks, hardly moved at all whilst I sketched it in pencil for 40 minutes after ringing it. They usually lie prostrate like this when disturbed. I painted this later today with the help of colour notes and a few bits of nest lining.'

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Keith Brockie is on Facebook and is a friend of a friend of mine. So I can get a request to him if people want me to ask.