5:30 in UK. Very late logging on tonight - but now that I have, we have two birds: One on the nest and another on the post. They're just sitting there. Let's see who shows up next!
Last post is meant for Annette. Sorry.
"Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )
Hi Paula......who is Huffy Pants.....I hope you are not refering to Garten. ~(:o)
Hi Wattle15....who is Piggy......I hope it is not Garten~(:o)
Maureen ~ said: Hi Paula......who is Huffy Pants.....I hope you are not refering to Garten. ~(:o)
You know Maureen, I really can't remember!
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
Huffy Pants? Ms. Piggy? Did someone say someone tripped over a power cord? I'll take the 5th!
Lindybird, Royal Rothes coined by me and photo of Royal Rothes and Precious Mallachie and Garten defending her fish uploaded by me. ( I called the sisters , Glorious Garten , Marvellous Mallachie , and Royal Rothes) but they are not images of today. You should see the date at the top of the image. Hope you don't mind that. I'll probably put more up taking Paula's lead 'cos they are all going in my Gallery eventually. Got 7 up there currently.
All three sisters are just beautiful aren't they but what can we expect from such good lookers as EJ adn Odin !
Great pictures Cirrus. I adore them all - the whole family- but like you "Precious Mallachie" has always been mine even when we thought she was a he!!
I am now going in search of your gallery!
Clever clogs you are XX
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
wonderful photo's everyone, thanks so much