5:30 in UK. Very late logging on tonight - but now that I have, we have two birds: One on the nest and another on the post. They're just sitting there. Let's see who shows up next!
Wattle - camera has gone down. Where are you?
Yep! Camera down! I just went to the Community page and checked who is on line. Maureen is wandering around somewhere, and we have 33 visitors on site! some of theose would be 'bots', but it looks as though we have quite a following, too. :-)
And no, Annette, I DIDN'T trip over the power cord!!!!
Smiles, Jan.
Morning guys. Thank you Annette for starting the Update thread this morning :-) Camera at my end isn't working :-( Actually that sounds painful, but you know what I mean! Glad to hear there's been fish aplenty this morning and hope Huffy Pants gets some. Must've been EJ that brought one in as Odin wouldn't have brought another so soon as I believe he doesn't fish nearby.Now all go and do your "webcam dance" and get hopefully it'll be back up and running in no time.
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
OK. I'm off to bed. Night night and hope camera gets fixed quickly (maybe Maureen tripped over the power cord).
For info, the stills camera is working. That's something to keep us going...
There were 3 birds on the nest, now there are two who are both looking towards something to the left of the nest.
Hi Paula. I'm off now to do the evening round of feeding birds, feeding goats, feeding the cat, feeding us . . . you get the idea! I'll be back later in my evening.
Done the Holiday Club and Asda run so that's me for the day ;-)
No webcam yet :-( but we do have some nice images of Garten (?) on the stills camera. To be honest I no longer have a clue who's who! Garten looks so much like EJ these days.
Actually, had she had an aerial then I'd have sworn it was Rothes due to the orange nape.
Some lovely close ups of someone!
Ohhhh...and action on the nest...
Haven't a scoobie as to what's going on. Sniff...
Back to Garten (I think) in the tree..
I'm sure Garten is posing for the camera!